Our Publications

Speeches and Testimony
October 1, 2003
I have been asked to describe the world wide missile threat. The first point I would like to make is historical: long range missiles have been developed to carry nuclear weapons. They don't make sense for use with conventional weapons. A country is not going to spend the money to develop a 5,000-mile or 5,000-kilometer missile to knock down a...
Speeches and Testimony
September 17, 2003
I am pleased to appear before this joint committee to discuss Iran's nuclear program and Iran's imports of sensitive technology. I direct the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, a research organization here in Washington that is devoted to stopping the spread of mass destruction weapons. I will begin by describing the challenge posed by...
Articles and Reports
August 3, 2003
Step by step, why it's hard to know if uranium is being used to make weapons. The uncomfortable reality is that the equipment and raw materials that Iran could use to power Tehran can also give it an ability to build a bomb.
Speeches and Testimony
June 6, 2002
If we look around the world today, and ask ourselves what are the "pacing items" in the spread of mass destruction weapons, the answer is clear: they are Chinese and Russian exports. Sales by these two countries are now fueling the spread of chemical weapons, nuclear weapons and long-range missiles in a number of countries, some of which support...
Articles and Reports
May 1, 2002
In March, President Bush marked the six-month anniversary of September 11 by warning us once again of the peril posed by weapons of mass destruction. From the south lawn of the White House, he cautioned that "terrorist groups are hungry for these weapons, and would use them without a hint of conscience." The result, he said, would be "blackmail,...
Speeches and Testimony
April 15, 2002
We can draw at least three lessons from the attacks on September 11. First, we know that Al Qaeda - Osama bin Laden's organization - is interested in getting weapons of mass destruction. We know this from evidence found in Afghanistan. With money, time and a place to work, groups like Al Qaeda are going to try to build these weapons. Second, we...
Speeches and Testimony
January 15, 2002
The world is smaller - we have learned that people can get things here that do us harm. If you can organize a 19-person group to fly airliners into buildings, you can organize a group capable of smuggling in a nuclear weapon. You can: Bring a bomb in in parts and assemble it in a building; drive it over the border in a van; sail it into a harbor...
Speeches and Testimony
February 1, 2000
I have distributed an article from the New York Times that my organization prepared about one year ago. You can see the weapon capability that the United Nations inspectors believe Iraq is still hiding. It includes: Nerve gas, nerve gas ingredients, and nerve gas munitions. Biological agents, growth media for producing these agents, and munitions...
Articles and Reports
May 5, 1999
Americans are right to be outraged that a suspected Chinese spy may have stolen the computer codes for the entire United States nuclear arsenal. But the loss of this data is only half the story. The other half is about hardware. Even after stealing the plan for an advanced warhead, one would need high-performance equipment to manufacture and test...
Articles and Reports
April 1, 1999
Since early this year, Washington has been in a state of shock over Chinese espionage -- especially the theft of information about one of America's most advanced nuclear warheads. China is also suspected of stealing the secrets of the U.S. neutron bomb and of penetrating other top secret U.S. military programs. As important as these strategic...
