Our Publications

Articles and Reports
May 5, 1999
Americans are right to be outraged that a suspected Chinese spy may have stolen the computer codes for the entire United States nuclear arsenal. But the loss of this data is only half the story. The other half is about hardware. Even after stealing the plan for an advanced warhead, one would need high-performance equipment to manufacture and test...
Articles and Reports
April 1, 1999
Since early this year, Washington has been in a state of shock over Chinese espionage -- especially the theft of information about one of America's most advanced nuclear warheads. China is also suspected of stealing the secrets of the U.S. neutron bomb and of penetrating other top secret U.S. military programs. As important as these strategic...
Speeches and Testimony
March 2, 1999
In February, the Director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, told Congress that North Korea is on the verge of developing ballistic missiles capable of hitting the continental United States. Tenet said that the Taepo-Dong I missile that North Korea tested last August "demonstrated technology that with the resolution of some important technical...
Speeches and Testimony
June 17, 1998
I am pleased to appear today before these distinguished Committees. I have been asked to discuss U.S. policy on satellite exports to China. I will direct my remarks to the effect of that policy on Chinese transfers of missile technology to countries that are trying to make weapons of mass destruction.
Speeches and Testimony
October 8, 1997
Today, China's exports are the most serious proliferation threat in the world. They have been so for the past decade and a half. Since 1980, China has supplied billions of dollars' worth of nuclear weapon, chemical weapon and missile technology to South Asia, South Africa, South America and the Middle East. It has done so in the teeth of U.S....
Speeches and Testimony
May 6, 1997
There is no doubt that Iran is aggressively trying to develop nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. There is also no doubt that Iran has already built chemical weapons. Iran's progress in all these efforts has depended almost entirely on outside help, and will continue to depend on it in the future. Specific cases A great deal is...
Speeches and Testimony
April 10, 1997
I am pleased to appear today before this distinguished Subcommittee, which has asked me to discuss China's role in the spread of weapons of mass destruction. I have been asked to respond to two questions: First, how effective is our present "engagement" policy toward China; second, is the executive branch implementing the U.S. law concerning...
Speeches and Testimony
March 20, 1996
I would like to begin with the idea of "rogue nations"--now thought to include Iran, Iraq, Libya and North Korea. This is a new term that the Clinton administration has coined to define the proliferation problem, and to restrict it to these four countries. Unfortunately, it ignores a lot of proliferation. China is a very serious proliferation...
Articles and Reports
September 4, 1994
This summer, the German police are suddenly reporting a flood of nuclear smuggling cases. Small amounts of nuclear material have leaked out of the former Soviet Bloc since 1991, but these latest reports are unprecedented. For the first time, more than half a pound of weapon-useable plutonium turned up--confiscated August 10 in the Munich airport...
Speeches and Testimony
June 29, 1993
In roughly one month, we will pass the third anniversary of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. If Iraq had not invaded Kuwait, it is very likely that Saddam Hussein would be passing a different milestone about now: he would be assembling his first atomic bomb. Two former U.N. inspectors, David Kay and Jay Davis, have estimated that at the time of the...
