Also Known As:
Arya Nik Engineering & Consulting Co.
Arya Nik
Aryanik Consulting
Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
- Suite 5 - 11th Floor, Nahid Bldg., Shahnazari Street - Mohseni Square, Tehran, Iran
- Suite 5, 11th floor, Nahid Bldg., Shahnazari St., Mohseni Sq., Mirdamad St., Tehran, Iran
- Suite 5, 11th Floor, Nahid Bldg., Shahnazari St., Mohseni Sq., Mirdamad Ave., Tehran - 1547916196, Iran
+98.21.2275347, +98.21.2275345, 22275345, 98-21-22275345
Entity Web Site:
Listed by the European Union on July 26, 2010 as an entity linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; E.U. sanctions were annulled in 2014 by the E.U. General Court;sanctioned by the Japanese government on September 3, 2010, freezing its assets in that country; listed by the Japanese government in 2016 as an entity of concern for proliferation relating to nuclear weapons; listed by the British government in 2015 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement.
A shell company used by Fulmen for some of its operations, according to the European Union; shares an address with Petro Hitech Kish; company officials reportedly include Morteza Hosseini; reportedly established in 1906.