Our Publications

Interviews and Podcasts
September 17, 2024
In this episode of Iran Watch Listen, we sat down with Hanna Notte and Jim Lamson to discuss the history of Iran and Russia’s military relationship, how it has changed since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and areas where both countries might benefit from deeper cooperation in the future.
Interviews and Podcasts
March 27, 2024
In this episode, we sat down with Wolf-Christian Paes, who served on the U.N. Panel of Experts on Yemen from 2018 until 2023. We discussed Iran’s support for the Houthi rebel group, the ways in which arms are smuggled into Yemen, and the challenges of enforcing the arms embargo imposed on the Houthis by the U.N. Security Council.
Interviews and Podcasts
May 17, 2023
Once Iran has the fuel, what else would it need to build a nuclear weapon? To find out, we spoke to Dr. Bruce Goodwin, an expert on nuclear weapons design and testing.
Interviews and Podcasts
October 12, 2022
In this episode of Iran Watch Listen, we sat down with Dan Gettinger and Adam Rawnsley to discuss the current state of Iran’s UAV capabilities, its growing ambitions to become a drone exporter, and whether tighter sanctions and export controls could hinder its progress.
Interviews and Podcasts
September 22, 2021
In the fourth episode of Iran Watch Listen, we sit down with Neil Watts, who served for five years as the Maritime Expert on the United Nations Panel of Experts on North Korea.
Interviews and Podcasts
March 30, 2021
In the third episode of the Iran Watch Listen podcast, we speak with Laura Rockwood, a former senior official at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), about the authorities that the IAEA uses to conduct nuclear inspections in Iran, as well as Iran's recent decision to reduce the Agency's level of access.
Interviews and Podcasts
November 25, 2020
This episode of Iran Watch Listen features an interview with John Smith, the former Director of the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), about the impact of the Trump administration's Iran sanctions campaign and how Iran policy might change with the Biden administration.
Interviews and Podcasts
July 30, 2020
In the inaugural episode of Iran Watch’s podcast, we discuss deceptive shipping practices used by Iran to evade U.S. sanctions, and U.S. efforts to counter these practices, with two experts from the U.S. State Department.
Interviews and Podcasts
July 29, 2020
Welcome to Iran Watch Listen, a new podcast about Iran's nuclear and missile programs and international efforts to halt them hosted by the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.
Interviews and Podcasts
September 17, 2009
Mr. Uzi Rubin, an Israeli engineer who formerly ran Israel's "Arrow" program for missile defense, gives high marks to Iran's recent success in making long-range missiles, and predicts that Iran would use these missiles in saturation attacks with high explosives in time of war. In a recent interview with Iran Watch, Mr. Rubin emphasized that Iran...
