First Persian Equity Fund

Also Known As: 

First Persia Equity Fund

Weapon Program: 

  • Military


- Rafi Alley, Vali Asr Avenue, Nader Alley, Tehran 15116, Iran
- P.O. Box 15875-3898, Tehran 15116, Iran
- Walker House, 87 Mary Street, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9002, Cayman Islands
- Clifton House, 75 Fort Street, Grand Cayman KY1-1104, Cayman Islands
- P.O. Box 190, Grand Cayman KY1-1104, Cayman Islands

Entity Web Site:

Owned or controlled by, or acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of Melli Investment Holding International (MEHR) and Bank Melli Iran Investment Company (BMIIC).

Listed by the European Union on July 26, 2010 as an entity linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; removed from the E.U. list in January 2016 as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Added to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on March 03, 2009, pursuant to Executive Order 13382, which targets proliferators of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems; removed from the SDN list in January 2016 as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Listed by the British government in 2015 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement.

Established in 2007 as an investment vehicle that focuses primarily on companies listed on Tehran's stock exchange; BMIIC advises, and via its subsidiaries in the UAE and Cayman Islands, exerts a controlling interest on the overall strategic direction of, potential shareholders of, and investment decisions of First Persian Equity Fund, and MEHR Cayman Ltd. is its investment manager and placement agent; 

Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers: 

Date Entered: 

May 12, 2009

Date Last Modified: 

January 16, 2016