Also Known As:
Iran Powder Metalorgy
Iran Powder Metallurgy Co.
Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
- No.3, Bahar Shiraz St., Dr. Shariati Ave., Tehran, 156838713 Iran (Head Office)
- No.3, Bahar Shiraz St., Dr. Shariati Ave., Tehran (15658)
- Sheikh Bahaie St., Alborz Industrial City, Qazvin (Factory)
- NO. 15, Alborz Industrial Town, Qazvin, Iran
- P.O. Box 95, Qazin, Iran (Factory)
- P.O. Box 15875-6131, Tehran, Iran
(+9821) 77505414 , (+9821) 77506806 , (+9821) 77502484 , (+9821) 77538790 , (+9821) 77538789 , (021) 750 24 84-750 68 06 , (+98-282) 2222034-5 (Factory) , +98282222034 , +98282222035 , 0098-21-7539053 , +98 21 750 2484 , (0282222) 2034-5
(+9821) 77506975 , 00098-21-7506975 , (021) 750 69 75 , (+98-282) 2222036 (Factory) , (02822220) 2036
Entity Web Site:
Listed by the Japanese government in 2016 as an entity of concern for proliferation relating to nuclear weapons; listed by the British government in 2015 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement; designated by the Canadian government in July 2010 as an entity contributing to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or to its development of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or their delivery systems; Canadian sanctions removed in February 2016.
Areas of activity include the production and sale of industrial and mining powders; maintains a factory in the Alborz Industrial Zone of Qazvin; has collaborated in research with faculty members of Tarbiat Modarres University; provided access to sintering furnaces and iron powders for research on low-carbon steel hollow spheres.