Parto Sanat Co.

Also Known As: 

Parto Sanat Company
Yekan Parto
Parto Sanaat Co.
Partosanat Co.
Partosanat PJSC

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear


- No. 1281 Valiasr Ave., Next to 14th St., Tehran, Iran
- 2417, Valiasr Ave., Next to 14th St., Tehran, 15178, Iran
- No. 5, Sharabiani Cross Rd., Asia Blvd., Kashani Blvd., Sadeghieh Sq., Tehran, Iran, 14877


+982188662288, +98 21 4114465, +98 21 4114246, 0098 4100415, 02294320697, 02294312939, +98 229 4336235, +98 (0) 21 866 48 56, +98 (0)912 358 9744


+982188887809, +98 21 4100415, 00984114246, +98 (0) 21 888 78 09


Entity Web Site:

Listed by the European Union on July 26, 2010 as an entity linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; with some exceptions, European Union member states must freeze all funds and economic resources owned, held or controlled by the listed entity, and prevent funds or economic resources from being made available to it; according to the European Union, is a "manufacturer of frequency changers and it is capable of developing/modifying imported foreign frequency changers in a way that makes them usable in gas centrifuge enrichment."

Sanctioned by the Australian government in July 2010 as an entity with links to Iran's nuclear and/or ballistic missile programs, prohibiting Australian parties from conducting business with or transferring funds to the entity without prior approval.

Designated (with a pursuant asset freeze) by the Japanese government in 2010 as an entity that could contribute to Iran's nuclear activities; listed by the British government in 2010 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement.

Kazem Dolatabadi is managing director; Ali Nazari is chief of the board of directors; other board members include Hamid Hajiabed and Shahram Dashtabadi; manufactures low and medium voltage power drive systems and has expertise in frequency converters; supplies AC/DC drives, softstarters and motors; serves as a distributor and service center for Finland-based Vacon; uses Bank Sepah, Milad Branch, Branch Code 1616, account number 1159/29; founded in 1990.

Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers: 

Date Entered: 

November 1, 2010

Date Last Modified: 

November 1, 2010