Also Known As:
Persia Int. Bank PLC.
Persia International Bank
Weapon Program:
- Military
- 6 Lothbury, London EC2R 7HH, United Kingdom
- Number 6 Lothbury, Post Code EC2R 7HH, United Kingdom
- P.O. Box 119871, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Dubai Branch)
- Dubai International Financial Centre, Level 4, The Gate Building, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Dubai Branch)
- 4th Floor , The Gate Building, Dubai, UAE (Dubai Branch)
+44 20 7606 8521 (from Overseas), +44 (207) 606 8521 (10 lines), +971 4 362 0811 (5 lines) (Dubai Branch)
+44 (0) 20 7606 2020, +971 4 362 0812 (Dubai Branch)
Entity Web Site:
A London-based bank owned by Iran's Bank Mellat (60%) and Bank Tejarat (40%).
Company officials have included Mohammad Reza Meskarian (chief executive officer), Ali Divandari (chairman), M. R. Reza Davaari, A. Akhondi, R. Ajdari, M.A. Nasrollahi Malek, D.R. Curtis, G. Penny, Firouzeh Mazda (Tehran representative), and S. Tarassoli (Dubai Branch General Manager).
Financial Services Authority (FSA) Firm Reference Number (FRN) is 208020; SWIFT codes are PIBPGB2L (U.K.) and PIBPAEAD (Dubai branch); Dubai branch commercial license number is 0023; U.K. registration number is 4218020; began trading in 2002.
As part of the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions on Iran, added on November 5, 2018 to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), freezing its assets under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibiting transactions with U.S. parties, pursuant to Executive Order 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism; foreign parties facilitating transactions for the entity or otherwise assisting the entity are subject to U.S. sanctions; also designated pursuant to the Iranian Financial Sanctions Regulations; foreign financial institutions facilitating transactions for the entity may be prohibited from opening or maintaining correspondent or payable-through accounts in the United States.
Previously added to the SDN list on October 25, 2007, pursuant to Executive Order 13382, which targets proliferators of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems; removed from the SDN list in January 2016 as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Listed by the European Union on July 26, 2010 as an entity linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; removed from the E.U. list in January 2016 as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
Listed by the British government in 2015 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement, but removed in 2017 after the U.K. withdrew its Iran list.