Also Known As:
Petrochemical Special Economic Zone
Weapon Program:
- Military
- 406 Motahari Avenue, 15958, Iran
- 406, Motahhari Ave., Tehran 15958 Iran (Head Office)
- Bandar Imam Khomeini, Khuzestan, Iran (Site No. 1)
+98-21-8800851-4 (Head Office), (+986 522 62) 112 (Site No. 1)
+98-21-8800857 (Head Office)
[email protected] (Head Office)
Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (Petzone) was listed by the British government in 2008 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement, and has had export licenses both granted and denied by that government; Petrochemical Special Economic Zone Organization is responsible for managing and developing industrial and economic activities in the special economic zone, including the petrochemical sector; companies operating in the zone include Shahid Tondguyan Petrochemical Co., Petrochemical Industries Development Management Co., Bualisina Petrochemical Co., Fanavaran Petrochemical Co., Amir Kabir Petrochemical Co., Khuzestan Petrochemical Co., Fajr Petrochemical Co., Marun Petrochemical Co., Arvand Petrochemical Co., Laleh Petrochemical Co., Ghadir Petrochemical Co., Karoon Petrochemical Co., and Petrochemical Research & Technology Co.; after an expansion in March 2007, the zone also includes the Razi Petrochemical Company, Bandar Imam Petrochemical Company and Farabi Petrochemical Company; subsidiary of the National Petroleum Company (NPC); established in 1997.