Saba Battery

Also Known As: 

Saba Battery Mfg. Co.
Saba Batri

Weapon Program: 

  • Military


- Nobonyad, Tehran, Iran
- Next to Shahid Babaei Exp'way, Nobonyad Sq, 16689, Tehran, Iran
- P.O. Box 19575-361, Tehran, Iran
- Nobonyad Blvd, Passdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran


+98 21 22547093, +98 21 22547094, +98 21 22567608-9


+98 21 22544094, +98 21 22567608-9


Entity Web Site:

Shares address and contact information with Niru Battery Company; intended recipient of Scanning Electron Microscope VEGA 5136XM, the procurement of which was denied on June 3, 2006, by a member state of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG); intended recipient of Scanning Electron Microscope VEGA TS5136MM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer ROENTEC QUANTAX QS1, the procurement of which (through Nouavar Shad Co. Ltd.) was denied on September 4, 2005, by a member state of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG); linked to Copper and Lead Group and Ghadr Refractories Group; Niru Battery MFG. Co. battery products have included the Saba Battery brand

Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers: 

Date Entered: 

June 30, 2009

Date Last Modified: 

June 30, 2009