Australia will impose new additional sanctions against Iran to reinforce both United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1929 and existing autonomous sanctions.
Australia has already fully implemented our obligations under UNSC Resolution 1929, which imposed new sanctions against Iran. We have done that well in advance of the UNSC's reporting deadline of 8 August.
As well, on 15 June I announced additional autonomous financial and travel sanctions against two Iranian entities (Bank Mellat and the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line) and one individual (General Rostam Qasemi), to reinforce our implementation of Resolution 1929.
The package I announce today includes measures which go beyond those required by Resolution 1929, and which are taken to strengthen and reinforce that Resolution.
As part of the package, a further 98 entities and 12 individuals will be designated by Australia for the purposes of financial and travel restrictions.
These designations target those in Iran's financial and transport sectors, entities involved in Iran's nuclear and missile programs and those connected to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Included are: 26 subsidiaries and affiliates of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line, which has transported goods for Iran's nuclear and missile programs and 17 subsidiaries of Bank Melli, which has facilitated transactions involving Iranian nuclear and missile entities.
Today's new measures also include a trade ban on all arms and related materiel and all dual-use items for nuclear, missile, chemical and biological weapons development.
For the first time, Australia will introduce measures to restrict Australian business dealings with Iran's oil and gas sector.
This is consistent with UNSC Resolution 1929, which noted the link between the revenue generated by Iran's oil and gas sector and funding for Iran's proliferation activities, as well as the risk that goods used in these sectors can be used in Iran's prohibited nuclear program.
Measures to restrict Australian business dealings will also apply to entities in Iran's transportation and financial services sectors, as well as entities linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Business ventures with Iranian entities in uranium mining, or involving nuclear or missile technology, will also be prohibited.
These measures are similar to those announced by the European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council on Monday 26 July, which Australia welcomed.
Canada has also announced new Iran sanctions and the United States recently adopted further tough measures against Iran.
In adopting this package, Australia stands at the forefront of international community efforts to have Iran meet its international obligations in relation to its nuclear program, one of the most serious security challenges facing the international community.
These efforts demonstrate Australia's commitment to strengthening global counter-proliferation regimes.
Iran remains in clear breach of its international obligations.
The onus is on Iran to take genuine and urgent steps to change its policy, meet its international obligations and reassure the international community about the intentions of its nuclear program.
Australia urges Iran to comply with all relevant UNSC resolutions and provide full cooperation to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Further information on these measures and implications for Australian businesses will be available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's website.
As a matter of courtesy, I have consulted the Opposition Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs on these sanctions and their announcement.