New Autonomous Sanctions Against Iran

June 15, 2010

Australia will impose new autonomous sanctions against Iran to support international efforts over Iran's nuclear ambitions.

These new measures put Australia at the forefront of efforts to persuade Iran to reverse its current path of confrontation with the international community.

They follow on from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 against Iran, adopted on 9 June.

Resolution 1929 reflected the international community's deep concerns about Iran's nuclear program, in particular its failure to comply with previous United Nations Security Council and International Atomic Energy Agency resolutions.

On 10 June, I announced Australia would implement Resolution 1929 to full effect.

Australia already fully implements earlier UNSC Resolutions 1737, 1747 and 1803 against Iran.

Since October 2008, Australia has also imposed autonomous sanctions against 20 Iranian individuals and 18 organisations from Iran.

The new autonomous sanctions announced today reinforce Australia's efforts to implement Resolution 1929.

They will apply to two entities and one individual who assist Iran to violate its obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

The two organisations are Bank Mellat and the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line (IRISL).

Subsidiaries of both these organisations are included in UNSC Resolution 1929.

According to Resolution 1929, Bank Mellat has facilitated transactions involving Iranian nuclear and missile entities. IRISL vessels have transported goods for Iran's nuclear and missile programs.

The individual is General Rostam Qasemi, the commander of Khatem ol-Anbiya Construction Organisation, a company owned by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and listed in Resolution 1929.

Australia is taking these additional measures to demonstrate our real concern about Iran's nuclear program.

As the Security Council and international community have made clear in the context of Resolution 1929, the opportunity for dialogue with Iran is not over.

Australia urges Iran to uphold its international obligations and seek an early negotiated solution to international community concerns about its nuclear program.