Whereas the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the situation in Iran constitutes a grave breach of international peace and security that has resulted or is likely to result in a serious international crisis;
Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, pursuant to subsections 4...(1) to (3) of the Special Economic Measures Act,[a] hereby makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations.
[a] S.C. 1992, c. 17
1. Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations1 is amended by adding the following after item 345:
346. Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing (TEM) (also known as TEM Co.)
347. SAD Export Import Company (also known as SAD Import & Export Company)
348. Rosmachin
349. Behnam Sahriyari Trading Company
350. Darya Delalan Sefid Khazar Shipping Company (Iran) (also known as Khazar Sea Shipping Lines, Darya-ye Khazar Shipping Company, Khazar Shipping Co., KSSL, Daryaye Khazar (Caspian Sea) Co. and Darya-e-khazar Shipping Co.)
2. Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations is amended by adding the following after item 48:
49. Ali Ashraf Nouri
50. Hojatoleslam Ali Saidi (also known as Hojjat-al-Eslam Ali Saidi and Hojjat-al-Eslam Ali Saeedi)
51. Amir Ali Haji Zadeh (also known as Amir Ali Hajizadeh)
3. For the purpose of paragraph 11â€(2)â€(a) of the Statutory Instruments Act, these Regulations apply before they are published in the Canada Gazette.
4. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.