Interview with French Foreign Minister During Visit to Israel (Excerpts)

February 7, 2005

Related Country: 

  • Israel

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Q. - How would France react if Israel bombed Iran's nuclear installations?

THE MINISTER - Frankly - and Ms Rice has said this herself - I don't believe there is any question today of a military operation against Iran. This isn't the initiative we have set in train. We have initiated a rigorous, uncompromising political initiative to get Iran to renounce nuclear weapons, which that country doesn't need, that region doesn't need. And at the same time as we are asking Iran to renounce those nuclear weapons, we are offering her an industrial dialogue, including on the energy she needs, and a dialogue on trade, and also a political dialogue. And we hope that we are going to succeed in this initiative on which we are moving forward with our eyes open, with the support of the region's countries, the Americans and Russians, because frankly the political solution is preferable to all the others.