Statement by Ministry Spokesperson Regarding IAEA Resolution on Iran

March 15, 2004

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

The IAEA board of governors adopted a resolution on Iran's nuclear activities on February 13.

We consider this resolution to be balanced and in line with the process of dialogue between Iran and the international community initiated with the Teheran declaration on October 21.

The resolution is based on the director general's report and asks Iran to clarify certain aspects of its undeclared nuclear program and certain outstanding issues. It emphasizes the progress made by Iran in cooperating with the IAEA, particularly the signing of the additional protocol and extending the suspension of uranium enrichment and reprocessing.

We are pleased that the resolution was adopted by consensus as this shows the unity of the international community.

Regarding Iran's refusal to allow inspections, I recall that the report of the IAEA director general on February 24 noted Iran's satisfactory cooperation regarding access to sites and verification of nuclear materials. We invite Iran not to take measures that could harm this cooperation.