Speech by German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Munich Security Conference (Excerpts)

February 10, 2007

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During my recent trip to the Middle East I saw that the threat felt by many countries regarding events in Iran is dramatically visible and recognizable. For that reason Iran must fulfil the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council and the IAEA Board of Governors. There is no way around this demand, and it must be fulfilled without ifs or buts and without tricks. The technology involved is highly sensitive, and therefore Iran's nuclear programme must be subject to a high degree of transparency; however, Tehran has not delivered on this. If things stay that way, Iran risks falling deeper into isolation. Let me repeat that the international community's offer remains valid. We invited Iran to cooperate and to do what is right for its people, as Iran is a country with a proud history and a long cultural heritage. It would there­fore be a good thing for Tehran to integrate into, and submit to, the international community.

But what we have said to Iran on another issue - and this too means global responsibility - remains also valid: We cannot in any way accept the Iranian leadership's threats against Israel. I have several times made it clear in my talks, and my counterparts have agreed, that we are all determined to prevent the threat emanating from an Iran with a military nuclear pro­gramme. The recent resolution dealing with sanctions was unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council. Europe, the US, Russia and China all went along with it. We must in my opinion try to maintain this signal of solidarity in our further steps. Global responsibility means espousing the same principles and taking the same route, even when the going gets tough.

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