Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Resources of fossil fuel are plentiful, but finite, which will eventually limit the use of these fuels. The Islamic Republic of Iran, with considerable resources of oil and gas, is one of the exporters of primary energy to other countries. However, during the past three decades, due to the ongoing process of social and economic developments, the present strategy of utilizing energy resources in the country is being halted by two unavoidable situations. On the one hand, to meet improving living standards and to support plans to boost GDP, the increasing trend of energy demands from all domestic sectors has to be fulfilled while, on the other hand, the country’s economy is largely dependent on foreign currencies earned from oil exports. Under such circumstances, the present trend of utilising such ‘depletable’ fuels is bound to change, with a view to obtaining long-term and sustainable energy planning for the country. Moreover, the real value of fossil fuels is too great simply to burn them for their heat and, due to the limited life of oil reserves, their availability for future generations must also be considered, so that they may have more options to utilise these currently badly treated treasures.