Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Minister of Information Ali Younesi said here Wednesday that Iran`s Atomic Energy Organization has successfully conducted its duties in protecting the country`s nuclear installations. "Due to US antagonistic policy towards Iran, they have been sensitive to our progress in having access to nuclear technology and have done their best to prevent us from attaining this legitimate right," he said.
Before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Americans launched construction of Bushehr nuclear power plant and they were supposed to construct some other similar projects in the country but after the revolution they strongly opposed the construction of such projects in Iran and even forced other countries like Germany, Japan and China to avoid cooperation in the field.
During the Iraqi-imposed war, they gave Saddam the green light to target Iran`s nuclear installations in Bushehr and marred construction of the project which is now continuing with the cooperation of Russian nuclear experts, he said. After the imposed war, the country decided to continue its nuclear activities under supervision of IAEA but faced all-out sanctions imposed by the Americans, he pointed out. Iran had no option but to give the chance to its young scientists to strive to gain access to fuel cycle, he said.
The Americans resort to all means to prevent Iran`s access to nuclear technology, he said. "The Americans who were pursuing our nuclear activities step by step found that our nuclear activities are peaceful and of a non-military nature which is in compliance with international commitments, what was declared by the IAEA later on," he said. "The US resorts to all types of monitoring including the use of satellites and spies to disclose our nuclear activities and finally reached the conclusion that our nuclear activities are of peaceful nature," he underlined.
"About three years ago, the Americans were informed through spies and agents that Iran is on the verge of developing peaceful application of nuclear technology but they fabricated the information and announced that the country is seeking access to nuclear weapons in a bid to conduct a psychological war against us to divert world public opinions," he said. "They have gained their information through different channels and did not know that we have access to their classified information," he underlined.
Younesi stressed that the Americans as well as the IAEA are confident that Iran`s nuclear activities are of peaceful nature and, "We are abide by our commitment to IAEA as well as the world community." All probable measures to foil any strike against Iran`s nuclear facilities have been taken, he said.
There is a very low possibility that the Americans and Israelis will target Iran`s nuclear installations which would bear no fruit for them, he underlined. On repatriation of some 30 former MKO members to the country, he said the Islamic Republic of Iran has separated the ordinary members from the ring leaders and is to help them. Some 100 former MKO have returned home and can live with a peace of mind, he said.