Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Iran has no concerns about security of nuclear sites and does not seek security guarantees from the United States in this respect.
Head of foreign policy of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Hossein Mousavian said Tuesday that the security concerns raised in the negotiations with European partners focus on the strategic region of the Middle East dismissing the reports that Iran sought security guarantees from the United States for its nuclear sites.
He said that Iran has not invited the United States to take part in the nuclear talks with European Union (EU), but, has announced several times that it has no objection to US participation in the nuclear talks on condition that the party to the talks is only the EU and not the United States.
The United States has embarked on propaganda campaign against Iranian nuclear program accusing Iran of enriching uranium for nuclear arms.
Iran said that it has established fuel cycle to meet the fuel needs of power plants in line with the safeguards of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Iran has signed Additional Protocol to Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) granting IAEA snap inspections of its nuclear sites.