Assefi: The Next Few Day's of Nuclear Negotiations are Fateful

March 8, 2005

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Dr Hamidreza Assefi, on Tuesday said : The next few days' talks are very decisive and fateful for Iran`s nuclear dossier. Making the remarks in an interview with reporters, Dr Assefi referred to the trend of recent nuclear negotiations between Iran and the big three European countries (already started in Geneva on Tuesday and are expected to last for three days), and said: If we reach a common subject with the Europeans in legal terms, that can provide the two sides with a common basis for their political stance.

Emphasizing on the issue that in case Iran`s dossier would be referred to the Security Council of the United Nations, Iran has no fear of it, Dr Assefi said: The rights and interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran are preferable to any other thing.

In response to a question as to what action Iran would take, if during the new negotiations, the Europeans would not accept Iran`s proposals, Dr Assefi said: In such a case, we also strongly stand against them and say 'no' to their proposals.

This is the first time that the Europeans have been involved in a big case and want to solve it; thus it is very hard for them, he added.

Dr Assefi expressed hope that the current negotiations would not be the last round of talks and would be continued; and stressed that continuation of talks is subject to the attitude of the Europeans.

He further said: The Iranian people regard having access to nuclear technology as their indisputable right; and according to the opinion polls conducted with different strata of people, the absolute majority of the Iranian people have confirmed this issue.

On the Zionist regime`s moves during Iran`s nuclear talks, Dr Assefi said: Whenever we are involved in negotiations, the Israelis raise issues on Iran`s defense capability, in order to exert more pressure o the country.

Dr Assefi expressed hope that the Islamic Republic of Iran would achieve great successes in the nuclear talks.

We have so far achieved some success and the nuclear talks conducted during the recent years have not been without result, he went on to say.