Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Visiting chairman of review conference on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Sergio de Queiroz Duarte, from Brazil, on Sunday met and conferred with Iranian foreign minister, Dr Kamal Kharrazi.
At the meeting, the two sides discussed on the latest developments related to the review conference, the manner of assistance of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the conference, and the manner of participation of the member states in the conference.
Dr Kharrazi elaborated on Iran`s stance towards nuclear issues and the Islamic Republic's obligations to NPT, and announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate closely with the NPT review conference, due to be held in 2005, in order that the conference would be a success.
Dr Kharrazi also pointed out that NPT should be strengthened , and one should not move towards weakening the said treaty, as some western countries favor.
Dr Kharrazi stipulated: The developing countries will not approve of any new discrimination; because, previously there existed discrimination between the countries possessing nuclear technology and those who lacked such technology, and now that the time has come for revising this issue, no new discrimination is acceptable on the part of the developing countries.