Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Q: Secretary of Iran`s Supreme National Security, Mr Rowhani announced that uranium enrichment would be resumed. He also declared that future decisions of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards resolution passed by board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would be announced in the coming days. Do you announce the next steps and decision to be taken by Iran towards the said resolution, or not?
Dr Assefi: what was announced was that we have had two-sided Agreement and undertaking with the Europeans. One was Tehran Declaration, ie the issue of cooperation and other issues that you are aware of. Another agreement was reached between the two sides in Brussels and according to which the Europeans were committed to act towards closing Iran`s nuclear dossier in the session (of the IAEA). We also, according to the agreement reached , voluntarily accepted to extend the scope of suspension to manufacturing or assembling spare parts. With regard to the fact that the Europe didn`t fulfilled its commitments, our moral undertaking has also been distorted and in this regard the Islamic Republic of Iran is reconsidering its policy. We will announce within the coming days that what we are going to do as a result of this reconsideration. Now there is no question of uranium enrichment. What is in question is the Brussels agreement which is on the issue of manufacturing spare parts and assembling , which we are busy reconsidering, and the result will be announced later.
Q: It has been said that it is due that until next month an agreement be reached between Iran and three European countries (France, Germany and Britain) in Tehran. When the agreement will be concluded and what will be its main point?
Dr Assefi: I have not heard anything of the sort. Of course we had contacts With Europeans extensively and at different levels. We naturally insist that the Europeans should fulfill their commitments. During a session held in Vienna , nearly all who took the floor, from Al-Baradei to European countries and Non-Aligned states, apart from their tendencies, Insisted and emphasized that the dossier should be closed as soon as possible and become normalized; something which the Islamic Republic of Iran also has requested and emphasized on. In the statement issued also it has been pointed out that Iran`s file should be closed within the next few months. However our cooperation with the Agency has been transparent and honest and will be continued in the same manner. We do not see any reason for this dossier to remain open.
Q: With regard to the fact that the Europe has not fulfilled its commitments properly, and with regard to your statement that in such a case naturally the other side`s commitments also become distorted, don`t you think that at this situation the Europe cannot be anymore a good partner for Iran?
Dr Assefi: Our cooperation and relation with the Europe has different dimensions and therefore any issue should be taken into consideration in its own proper place. If in one field the Europeans didn`t want or couldn`t be able to act properly, that does not mean that everything is finished and our relation has reached the final point. The Europe should act more seriously and with a stronger will. The Europe should know that if it doesn't abide by its undertakings, it has damaged its own prestige. Therefore they also should be convinced that they should follow up the issue with more sense of commitment. Therefore we think that these problems should be considered in its own proper place. However, the process of work with the Europeans will not be cut and will continue as before.
Q: Is this possible that Iran`s decision based on reconsidering its nuclear policy and undertakings, distort the issue of closing Iran`s nuclear dossier in the session of board of governors of IAEA due to be held in September?
Dr Assefi: after all, we cannot define our national interests and foreign policy on the basis of probabilities and presumptions. The most important issue is our national interests and legitimate rights, as well as peaceful use of nuclear technology; and nobody can ask us something beyond this framework. The demand of Europe or any other party is within the framework of safeguards treaty, to which we are also committed. But nobody can say that we shouldn`t have access to nuclear technology. Of course with regard to the fact that the Europeans couldn`t fulfill their undertaking, those things that we had accepted voluntarily, have been doubted seriously inside our country. (have been exposed to serious reconsideration inside our country)?
Q: You said that the Europeans failed to fulfill their commitments, due to the pressures they underwent. In which directions do you evaluate the political aspect of Iran`s nuclear dossier and whom do you think the pressures originate from?
Dr Assefi: The pressures originate from the US. From the very beginning the US was seeking to create crisis. The US has been trying to achieve two objectives. The First one was convicting Iran, but it failed in reaching this aim. Though in the resolution it has been regretted about Iran`s manner of cooperation, but the fact was that the US was seeking to bring about a definite conviction for Iran, but it didn`t succeed. America also intended to refer Iran`s dossier to the Security Council of the United Nations, but in this context also it couldn`t succeed. Therefore, the US completely failed in reaching its objectives, though that does not mean that we are completely satisfied with the resolution passed by IAEA, because we rightfully believe that the file should have been closed completely, but because of the US political pressures, the file couldn`t be closed. Besides, in the final resolution itself there exist some contradictions, ie in one place they have expressed regret over the manner of Iran`s performance, but in some other places they have appreciated Iran`s cooperation. However some foreign media and American circles made much hue and cry on the issue, therefore propaganda and uproar around the resolution have been much more than presenting the real text of the resolution . The resolution has no important point against Iran. It has not ordained any obligation for Iran, nor it has decreed;specific limitations or pressures for the country. Despite this fact we have been and we are witnessing that the western circles maneuvered very much on propaganda around the resolution, and tried to show that Iran has perpetrated an offence in this context. The US was unsuccessful in fulfilling all its objectives. From numerous cases of ambiguities concerning Iran`s cooperation with the Agency and our peaceful nuclear activities, only two cases have been remained; one is the issue of p2( centrifuge system) that with regard to the information put at the disposal of the Agency, we believe that if the Agency would deal with this issue more quickly, that issue also would be solved. It should be noted that in this context the Agency made a grave mistake by announcing that they had not received any information from Iran, which was not true , and with reference to the tape of the negotiations it was proved that we have given them the information , and the Agency has made a mistake. The second issue was 36 percent contamination which also has nothing to do with us. We have given the required information and this is up to the third country that should render cooperation. It is beyond our control , and we have nothing new to speak about in this regard. Therefore it is very clear that all the propaganda and hue and cry made around the issue were eliminated like a bulb, because it was not a serious matter to be dealt with. What is noticeable here is that some of them want to make conclusions on the basis of personal interpretation or suspicion , and not on the basis of documents and evidences and this is a very indecent act.
Q: One of the arguments of the American officials is that Iran, enjoying rich oil and gas reserves, should not include atomic process in the domain of its activity . What is your assessment about such arguments? To what extent these arguments can be logical?
Dr Assefi: As we have also indicated in the past, we enjoy oil and gas reserves, but they don`t belong only to the present generation and they belongs as well to the future generations and we should preserve these resources for them. However, the value added of these resources in the petrochemical industry makes every wise government or authority to make use of it in the petrochemical industry and turning it into valuable petrochemical products, instead of burning and destroying them. On the other hand, if the US itself believes in its own arguments, why it possesses more than 100 nuclear reactors, while that country itself is endowed with rich oil reserves. Therefore it is better that the US begins from itself and first of all shut its own nuclear reactors, and then propose such thing to others, so that others see whether they can consider that proposal or not. In other words according to its argument, the US itself cannot possess nuclear reactor , while at the same time it is enjoying oil reserves. On this basis the US cannot argue for the others that you cannot possess nuclear reactor ,because you are endowed with oil resources. Such an argument is rather like a joke.
Q: Iran has from the beginning said that it want to build confidence. Now in the resolution they have distinctively asked Iran to reconsider the projects in Isfahan and Arak. On the other hand you said that it is possible that within the next few days we announce that what we will do about the uranium enrichment activities. Don`t you think that this may cause that even the little confidence that has been built so far, could become less and less and the gap between Iran and the Agency would become much wider?
Dr Assefi: Of course we think that mutual confidence had been much, and it was the other side that reduced this confidence to some extent. Two weeks ago also I said that kindness and cooperation should be two-sided and it couldn`t be that one side breach its commitments and expects the other side to be committed to its undertakings. However the result of this issue will be announced later. Concerning Isfahan and the cases you referred to, I should say that we have never accepted and legally and morally it has not been among our commitments. Before the session also we announced that we do not accept any new condition and undertaking. Now we again announce that these cases have not been among our commitments and will not be accepted.
Q: The most distinguished issue that was proved in the process of Iran`s nuclear dossier, was that Al-Baradei is not honest in his sayings. He says something in Tehran and another thing in Brussels. He raises different other issues in Europe or in America. Some of the deputies of Majlis ( Iranian parliament) also have pointed that this issue probably will affect the approval of additional protocol in the parliament. How do you evaluate Al-Baradei` s honesty in his sayings? If this trend continues, do you think that in the coming months Iran`s nuclear dossier will be closed? What is your view about the news based on movements of some divisions of Iranian army in the border with Iraq?
Dr Assefi: With regard to the border conditions and the sensitive region we are located in, it is natural that our military and disciplinary forces always be ready and vigilant ; but that some newspapers of the region have talked about some specific movements in the region, I should say that it is not true. Due to our long borders and the insecure conditions existing around our country, we should always be ready and vigilant. Concerning the first question, if the Europe and IAEA deal with the issue within the framework of an expert work, definitely this dossier will be closed. We have cherished this hope and we have emphasized that we are willing to trust more the honesty of the Europeans. The condition for cooperation is mutual confidence on the sayings and undertakings of each other. Unfortunately the Europeans couldn`t accomplish the task they were due to do. However our cooperation with the Agency will be continued within the framework of our undertakings, NPT, and safeguards treaty. But that our parliament approves this protocol or not, it is in the jurisdiction of the parliament itself, and we as a section of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot determine for the Majlis to sign it or not. Our parliament with regard to the different dimensions, distinguishes what it should do. It is natural that foreign governments in no way are in a position to determine the duty of our parliament.
Q: Earlier in your remarks you referred to grave mistake made by IAEA in its report on Iran. Why this issue is raised in the last day? Mr Rowhani has said that the Agency`s mistake has caused the spirit of the resolution to be negative. Is this true?
Dr Assefi: Yes, that`s right. Eventually the report of the Agency affected the final resolution. But that why the issue was raised in the last day, is the same argument that we have raised, that we expressed doubt about the expert nature of the Agency's survey. We believe the surveys have not been within the framework of expert work, but it has had a political aspect. This ldelay reinforce our suspicion and is a confirmation to our remarks.
Q: It seems that suspension of uranium enrichment in the last few months has brought about some financial loss for Iran. Has the loss been calculated?
Dr Assefi: This falls under the category of technical and financial matters of the issue , and I have no exact information in this regard.
Q: Some of Arab press media have said that a Lebanese agent has been detained in Divanieh, who has had relation with Hizbullah, and has had the mission to detonate oil pipelines. What is your assessment in this regard?
Dr Assefi: This is a fabricated and baseless news , and the Lebanese themselves denied this issue.
Q: In the recent days a number of Shiites have been killed in Faluja by extremist forces. What do you think is the aim behind this action?
Is it possible that the move is aimed at bringing about tribal war in Iraq? What is Iran`s stance vis-vis killing of an American engineer in Saudi Arabia?
Dr Assefi: Killing a person in this manner cannot be confirmed by anybody. This is an inhuman action and is unacceptable. Unfortunately the factor behind all the violence, hatreds, and hostilities in the region is the wrong approach and performance of the United States in its dealing with terrorism. Unfortunately the wrong approach of the US and its naive insistence for its continuation has caused that not only terrorism has not been exterminated, but also it has expanded. Anyway we think that the US should reconsider its approach towards terrorism and adopt a logical approach in this regard, and act according to what is acceptable for the international community, and embark upon solving terrorism through finding the root causes of this phenomenon. As regards Iraq, it is also natural that we are very concerned about the unpleasant events in that country. We in no way confirm tribal conflicts, and from the beginning also we have been making efforts towards establishment of stability and security in Iraq. Our recommendation to different Iraqi groups, whether Kurds, Sunnis or Shiites also have been the same. We hope that at this sensitive and specific conditions that the Iraqis should construct their future, and in the near future take over the authority from the occupying forces and administer their own affairs, act with more care and vigilance. Such conflicts are solely at the service of the enemies of Iraqi people and the Muslims.
Q: Some of Iranian authorities have made statements on sending Iranian pilgrims to Iraq. Has the ban on traveling to Iraq lifted?
Dr assefi: Making pilgrimage to the Islamic holy shrines is a wish for Iranian citizens. We are continuing our contact and consultation with Iraqi authorities in this regard. The aim is that security and health of the pilgrims would be secured.
Q: All the Iranian population, whether inside the country or abroad have expressed anger on the United Arab Emirates` raising once again its claim on the three Iranian islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb ,and Abu Moussa) in the Persian Gulf . On the other hand, it is possible that the Emirates` authorities by making use of the presence of the US in the region intend to implement their objectives in this regard. How far do you think this issue may be a matter of annoyance for Iran?
Dr Assefi: This will not be a matter of annoyance for us. Iran is a powerful country that has also shown in the past that it does not be involved in joking with anyone on its national interests and its territorial integrity and do not make a deal in this regard. It will be the case in the future also. As regards the events in the last few days, the UAE authorities have explained that it has not been but an accident. Of course constant consultations with the UAE authorities, whether in Abu Dhabi or in Tehran is on the agenda. We don`t also think that the UAE authorities are fancied to make such abuses. However in the waters of the countries that have common borders, sometimes such events occur, but anyway we have given necessary warnings to UAE authorities to be more careful that such events will not be repeated in the future.
Q: You said that Iran`s cooperation with the Agency is in the framework of NPT and the Safeguards Treaty. Is the additional protocol to NPT is still being implemented?
Dr Assefi: Yes, we are implementing the additional protocol and what we have agreed upon.
Q: How is the condition for detaining al-Qaeda members? Have their accusation been explained to them? It has been said that they have committed a series of operation against Iran`s national interests. Have they attorney or not? Have they been identified?
Dr Assefi: this is a specific security issue and the relevant organizations will express view on this issue in due time, and this is natural that no date has yet been fixed for their trial, and I have no information about the details of the issue.
Q: Some foreign newspapers have written that the US has claimed that it has found more reasons for attacking Iran. What is your opinion in this regard?
Dr Assefi: This issue is rather like a joke. whenever the Americans face failure in an international field, they fabricate news, so that at least they save their face. In this context (attacking Iran) there is no justification and the international community also does not accept such a thing. Moreover, the domestic capacities and and Iran`s high power also does not let any body to dare such an attempt.