Dr. Kharrazi Talks to Reporters on Iran's Peaceful Nuclear Program

June 8, 2003

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Iranian foreign minister Dr Kamal Kharrazi talked to reporters on Iran`s nuclear program after attending a parliamentary questioning on Sunday.

Dr Kharrazi said, 'Iran's acquisition of nuclear technology, intended for peaceful use, is the pride of Iranians.

It is supported by all Iranians because the technology has been acquired by Iranian scientists and experts without any foreign help.

Dr Kharrazi said, `The US is presently putting pressure on Iran because it can not see a country like Iran is capable of acquiring nuclear technology even for peaceful and Non-military use.

Dr Kharrazi said, `As we have previously mentioned nuclear weapons have no place in Iranian security doctrine.

In addition a strong economy and support of the people is a token of Iran`s power.

On possible reactions to the upcoming International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report asserting shortcomings on Iran nuclear program, Dr Kharrazi said, `These points have been raised not as breaches by Iran, `but merely mentioned as negligence.

We hope that with explanations to be put forth by Iranian respective officials and our full commitment to cooperation and transparency, the issue with the IAEA would be settled.

Asked as to what extent the IAEA`s report is realistic Dr Kharrazi said, `The head of IAEA Mohamed Elbaradei has reported that Iran has failed to reveal a portion of its activities which is not considered as constituting negligence because there are different understanding in Iran regarding the issue.

Moreover, Elbaradei has said that Iran is not in contravening of protocols and is in the process of rectifying the outstanding issues.

In reply to a question whether the issues are raised as a result of the IAEA misunderstanding or the US pressures Dr Kharrazi said, that he hoped the matters brought-up by the IAEA would not be due to US pressures.

`The US has political aims vis-a-vis Iran of which IAEA should stay clear, he said adding `the agency should wade in as neutral and objective body in assessing information based on technical dimensions and without any political meditation.

He also stressed on transparent cooperation with IAEA to avert potential matters of this sort in the future, adding, the agency could perform its duties based on transparency and embark on cooperating with Iran on transfer of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Asked to comment on Iran`s decision on signing the addition protocol Dr Kharrazi said, 'What is important is our readiness for transparency but transparency should reciprocal.

He added, `The IAEA says it can better support Iran`s peaceful nuclear activities if we accept the additional protocol.

However, this is not justifiable for us since we cannot accept to go under a new commitment while our country is held under the constraint of various sanctions and restrictions,' he added.

Dr Kharrazi renewed his appeal to industrial nations to help Tehran acquire the nuclear know-how.