Weapon Program:
- Missile
From an initial investigation, strategic weapons were found on-board the "Victoria"-many 60 and 120 mm mortar shells, and C-704 anti-ship missiles. The C-704 shore-to-sea missiles had a range of 35 kilometers and its likely use along the Gaza Strip endangers not only infrastructure near the Gaza sea, but Israeli shore cities in close proximity such as Ashkelon.
Iran is known to possess these type of missiles, which, along with identifying documents (including a missile identification document, below) gives substantial evidence of Iran's involvement in the weapons smuggling attempt, and yet another example of Iran's use of innocent merchant ships as a means of transferring arms to terrorist organizations.
C-704 Anti-Ship Missile Found on "Victoria"
Missile identification document in Persian reads the name of missile ("Nasser"), system missile, date of manufacture, which bears the Iranian governmental emblem