Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's response to the IAEA Report on Iran’s Nuclear Program

November 19, 2008

(Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson)

The report by the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning Iran, which was published yesterday (Wednesday, November 19 2008), illustrates Iran's continuous violation of UN Security Council resolutions. The report emphasizes and clarifies military aspects of Iran's nuclear activities.

The report expresses the IAEA's deep concern regarding the Iranian nuclear program. Despite the credibility the IAEA assigns to the information presented, Iran continues its evasive and manipulative practices. There is nothing in the Iranian response to remove the international community's concern regarding the real aim of the Iranian nuclear problem.

Israel reiterates its call to members and institutions of the international community to increase pressure on the Iranian government to abandon its threatening scheme of nuclear proliferation.