Remarks by Ministry Spokesperson on IAEA Report on Iran

August 30, 2009

The most recent report (28 August) submitted by International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General on the IAEA investigation of Iran was submitted against the background of Iran's ongoing foot-dragging in responding to IAEA questions about many open issues and Iran's continuing failure to comply with the demands of the UN Security Council.

This report is one of the last reports submitted by the outgoing Director-General, Dr. Mohammed ElBaradei, and it is notable for the findings omitted from it.

It is a harsh report, and yet it does not reflect all the information known to the IAEA regarding Iran's efforts to continue to pursue its military program, its ongoing attempts at concealment and deception, and its lack of cooperation with the IAEA and the demands of the international community.

Iran's professed facilitating of increased IAEA supervision of the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz and the first visit by IAEA inspectors at the designated construction site for the heavy water reactor in Arak are long-standing demands, so such agreement now is merely throwing sand in the eyes of the international community, concealing more than it is exposing. It should be recalled that Iran is persisting in its refusal to allow IAEA inspectors to perform surprise visits at these sites - testifying to its desire to hide other activities taking place there.

Israel expects the international community to take substantive and prompt steps to halt Iran's military nuclear program. Upcoming soon are the IAEA's annual convention in Vienna, the United Nations General Assembly, and a special high-level meeting of the Security Council to discuss the prevention of nuclear proliferation. Israel believes that the governments participating in these events must take a firm stand that will lead to the adoption of resolutions that will force Iran to comply with the Security Council resolutions.