Speech to the United Jewish Communities General assembly in Los Angeles by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (Excerpts)

November 14, 2006

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We have reached the pivotal moment of truth regarding Iran.

It would be an unbearable sin to future generations to allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons. What would we tell our children? How can we justify not preventing this catastrophic event? If Iran achieves the ability to produce nuclear weapons, as we know it is seeking to do, we will enter a new era of instability unlike any the world has ever seen.

We cannot afford to wait.

We must all speak with one voice.

No longer can the international community afford to hesitate, contemplate or waver in its dealing with this defiant state. No longer can we allow Iran to defer the demands of the international community without consequence.

We cannot tolerate - we will not tolerate - those who challenge Israel's right to exist while actively seeking to develop the catastrophic weapons to fulfill their goals.

America's leadership in preventing Iran's nuclearization is indisputable and unequaled. I just met my good friend, a true friend of Israel, President George W. Bush in Washington. Believe me, he is a great friend to the State of Israel. We discussed this issue at great length. His determination to prevent this most serious of developments is unquestionable. But America must have the support of the international community if we are to successfully defuse this mortal threat.

Our actions will be measured by results, not intentions.

Our integrity will remain intact only if we prevent Iran's devious goals, not if we try our best but fail.

Our generation will be judged by its ability to ensure peace and security, not by its failure to stand up to the most challenging of threats.

We did not choose this responsibility. But the burden is ours. We cannot, we will not, we shall not shy away from confronting this challenge.

Once before, calls to wipe out the Jewish people were appeased by the community of nations. Once before, but never again.

A coalition of moderate Arab countries can and must unite their common interest in preventing Iran from undermining stability in the Middle East. This coalition must struggle against the dangers of radical Islam that manipulate the very source of Islam itself. We saw this coalition forming towards the end of the fighting in Lebanon. It is crucial for this coalition to be nurtured.

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