Foreign Minister Lavrov Remarks on Russia's Objections to the EU3 Draft Resolution (Excerpts)

November 1, 2006

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

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Question: Recently you said that the draft of the resolution of the European Three on Iran did not match those tasks the Six had agreed on. Does this mean that the Russian side rejects this draft completely or will it work to amend the draft of this resolution?

Foreign Minister Lavrov: We agreed in the Six that any measures which we would undertake in the UN Security Council must be carefully considered, must be proportional to the real steps under the Iranian nuclear program that Teheran is undertaking, and must be commensurate to the real threat which exists for the nonproliferation regime. The European Three's draft goes far beyond these accords. We are working on the text and will strive to concentrate it on the areas which are designated in the report of the IAEA Director General as posing serious risks from the viewpoint of unclarified questions. These are, first and foremost, the uranium enrichment program and chemical reprocessing and the heavy water reactor. It is on these questions that we are going to concentrate. Of course, no one is interested in seeing sensitive technologies reach Iran in a situation where the IAEA cannot clarify the questions it has.

We will be unable to support the measures that are essentially directed at isolating Iran from the outside world, particularly the isolation of people who are called upon to conduct negotiations over its nuclear program. Because we firmly agreed to conduct negotiations. That's what we are going to seek to achieve. The problem of Iran's nuclear program has no solution other than a negotiated one.