[Unofficial translation from the Russian]
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Question: What do you expect from the upcoming meeting tonight on Iran? What is going to be discussed?
Foreign Minister Lavrov: We expect an agreement that we shall all move together towards the start of the talks that have been offered to Iran and which are basically quite realistic.
Question: Does Russia want to receive a confirmation that the Iran question will not get into the UN Security Council?
Foreign Minister Lavrov: This question is already in the UN Security Council. The Council at the end of July adopted a resolution supporting the position of the IAEA. Hopefully this very balanced and considered stand of the Security Council in support of the IAEA will achieve the aim, and we shall all succeed in finding a solution that will enable starting the talks. We are guided by a wish to prevent a breach of the nonproliferation regime.
Question: Are you discussing with the US the necessity to resort to sanctions?
Foreign Minister Lavrov: I wouldn't say we're discussing the necessity to resort to sanctions. I would say that Russia is totally committed to the agreement reached at the six-nation talks. We are committed to the offers we made to Iran. The only path to success is to be guided by the criterion which unites us: to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. If everyone sticks to this commitment, we shall be able to win.