Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Unofficial translation from Russian
The session of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concluded in Vienna on November 29, having passed without vote a resolution on the question of the implementation of the Safeguards Agreement pursuant to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The resolution welcomes the decision of Iran to continue and expand the suspension of all the activities related to uranium enrichment and chemical processing. It stresses that carrying out this voluntary confidence-building measure fully and consistently, with due verification by the IAEA, is essential for solving the remaining questions as regards its nuclear program. It also welcomes the confirmation by the IAEA Director General that this decision of Iran has taken effect. The document points out the continuing importance of full Iranian cooperation with the Agency.
Russia, both in bilateral contacts with Iran and with other key partners, had been making considerable diplomatic efforts to promote the achievement of a positive and mutually acceptable result.
The adopted resolution is an important step forward in removing the world community's concerns regarding nuclear activities in Iran.
We presume that Iran will carry on the policy of constructive cooperation with the Agency and provide it with possibilities to effectively monitor the implementation of the voluntary moratorium, which will help resolve the Iranian question in the framework of the IAEA.