Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Protocol of negotiations between Professor V. N. Mikhailov, Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, and Director R. Amrollakhi, Vice President of the Islamic Republic or Iran and President of the Organization of Atomic Energy of Iran. From January 5-8, 1995, Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, Prof. V. N. Mikhailov, visited Iran at the request of the Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, President of the Organization of Atomic Energy of Iran, Director R. Armollakhi.
During this visit, negotiations took place on cooperation in the sphere of peaceful use of atomic energy. The Sides voiced their satisfaction with the results of the visit and achieve the following agreements:
By the present protocol, it is established that the contract for completion of construction of Block No. 1 at Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), which was signed by the All-Russian production association "Zarybedjatomenergostroy" and by the Organization of Atomic Energy of Iran on January 8, 1995, shall be carried out by the Sides of the contract.
The sides exchanged letters in which the principal questions of at the cooperation on completion of construction of Block Bushehr NPP on the territory of Iran were decided.
No. To utilize Iranian personnel, as much as possible, for the objectives of the cooperation, especially for work on the completion of construction of Block No. 1 at the Bushehr NPP. The subsequent delivery of fuel for Block No. 1 at the Bushehr NPP will be put into effect under conditions and at prices [set] by a corresponding agreement.
In the course of a month, the Russian Side will commission the corresponding Russian organization to give a commercial proposal on the training of Iranian personnel, in order that after the preliminary assessment of Block No. 1 at BushehR.
In the course of a month, the Russian Side will commission the corresponding Russian organization to give a commercial proposal on the training of Iranian personnel, in order that after the preliminary assessment of Block No. 1 at Bushehr NPP, its commissioning could be carried out independently by the Iranian personnel.
The Sides will commission their competent organizations to prepare and sign:
in the course of three months, a contract for delivery of a light water reactor for research with a power of 30-50 MWt from Russia;
in the course of the first quarter of 1995, a contract for the delivery of 2000 tons of natural uranium from Russia;
in the course of the first quarter of 1995, a contract for the preparation/training for Organization of Atomic Energy of Iran scientific personnel, 10-20 (grad students and PhDs) annually, at Russian academic institutions
within a six month period of time, a contract for the construction of a uranium vault in Iran, after which negotiations will be conducted on the signing of a contract for the construction of a centrifuge plant for enrichment of uranium according to conditions, which are comparable to conditions of contracts concluded by Russian organizations with firms of third countries.
The sides have agreed:
on cooperation in the construction of research reactors of low power (less than 1 MWt) in Iran for instructional purposes. Over a six month period, the Russian Side will transfer a technical-commercial proposal to the Iranian Side on this question/issue.
to examine the issue of cooperation on the construction of a desalination plant in Iran.
to carry out meetings, no less frequently than once a year, on the high level of Russia's Minatom and the Organization of Atomic Energy in Iran for the organization of operational control for the implementing of cooperation, especially for the work in connection with the construction of Block No. 1 at Bushehr NPP.
[Some lines are missing here, due to bad copy.]
Two copies of the present protocol were signed in Iran, January 8, 1995, each in Russian and Persian languages.
Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation V. N. Mikhailov
President of the Organization of Atomic Energy of Iran R. Armollakhi