Prepared Statement by Senator Joseph Biden Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing: Iran, Security Threats and U.S. Policy

October 28, 2003

Iran poses a vexing set of challenges to our security. It also holds the possibility of evolving in a more a positive direction. It’s hard to argue about the geo-strategic importance of a country that shares long borders with Iraq and Afghanistan and sits in the 
heart of an oil-rich and politically turbulent region. 

We have good reason to be suspicious about Iran. It continues to actively support Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It refuses to surrender key al-Qaeda members who are in its custody. It has been developing a nuclear weapons program as well as a long-range missile capability. And, because it is one of the few countries with which we have no diplomatic ties and no regular dialogue, we have a tougher time understanding its intentions. 
