Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
- Chemical
- Biological
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Mr. President, we appreciate the opportunity for the Council to focus on promoting implementation of resolutions 1540 and 1673 and to highlight its resolve to counter the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, their related materials, as well as their means of delivery. The threat posed by weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists or rogue states is one of the gravest dangers facing the planet, and in adopting resolution 1540, the Security Council sent a warning and an ultimatum to the broad range of facilitators of proliferation.
Unfortunately, Iran has yet to heed this warning or make the strategic decision to cooperate with the international community and end its pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. The report by the Director General of the IAEA, which this council received yesterday, makes clear that Iran has not complied with UN Security Council Resolution 1737, thereby highlighting the Iranian regime's continued defiance of the international community. This marks the second time that Iran has failed to comply with a resolution of the Security Council. The report also describes Iran's failure to cooperate fully with the IAEA's investigation and reiterates that, in addition to Iranian cooperation being long overdue, certain Iranian actions are hindering the IAEA's ability to verify the purposes of Iran's nuclear programs. This is unacceptable. As resolution 1737 indicates the Security Council should be prepared to take additional appropriate measures to communicate to the Iranian regime that its non-compliance is not acceptable and to persuade it to cooperate.
Mr. President, states' actions to implement fully resolution 1540 form an important part of international efforts to deny terrorists access to weapons of mass destruction and to ensure that states seeking to develop a nuclear or ballistic missile capability in violation of international obligations will not succeed. In this regard, we also recognize and support the efforts of this Council and the 1540 Committee to promote states' full implementation of resolution 1540 through the activities set forth in resolution 1673.
We appreciate the chance to share the experience the United States has gained in our own implementation of resolution 1540. For example, consistent with the resolution's requirements concerning proliferation finance, President Bush in June of 2005 issued Executive Order 13382, which establishes a targeted financial sanctions program that blocks the assets of designated WMD proliferators and their support networks. It also prohibits U.S. nationals and others within the jurisdiction of the United States from engaging in transactions with those to whom the United States has applied such sanctions. We have created a special 1540 coordinator in the State Department, who works with many relevant agencies on implementation. Last May, we completed a national action plan for implementing resolution 1540.
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