Australia Implements United Nations Security Council Sanctions Against Iran

February 21, 2007

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Australia has taken action to implement fully in Australian law the United Nations Security Council sanctions against Iran. These sanctions were imposed following Iran's failure to comply with Security Council demands that Iran suspend uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, and all UN member states are obliged to implement the sanctions. All sanctions contained in resolution 1737 are reversible should Iran suspend its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities.

The new Charter of the United Nations (Sanctions - Iran) Regulations 2007 implement Australia's obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737, adopted on 23 December 2006. The Resolution imposes a targeted trade embargo against Iran and imposes financial sanctions against designated Iranian persons and entities. The Regulations take effect on 21 February 2007, and apply to all persons in Australia and to Australian nationals overseas.

Under the new Regulations, it is an offence to engage in any conduct resulting in the supply, sale or transfer of specified military and dual-use items (items capable of use in nuclear and ballistic missile programs) to, for the use in, or for the benefit of Iran. It is also an offence to provide Iran with technical training, advice, services or assistance, or financial resources, related to such specified items. Further, it is an offence to procure specific military and dual-use items from Iran. Pursuant to the Resolution, Australians should not engage in any training of Iranian nationals which may support Iran's nuclear proliferation sensitive programs.

The new Regulations freeze the assets and economic resources owned or controlled by persons or entities designated by the Security Council as providing support for Iran's nuclear or missile programs. It is an offence to engage in any financial or commercial dealings with such persons or entities.

The goods controlled under the Regulations are those listed in UN Security Council documents S/2006/814 and S/2006/815 and any other goods listed from time to time under the Regulations. Details are available on the website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade at

I recommend that anyone considering commercial or other dealings with Iran familiarise themselves with the operation of the sanctions regime, and seek independent legal advice before making commercial decisions. Relevant information can also be found on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website. The Charter of the United Nations (Sanctions - Iran) Regulations 2007 should be read in conjunction with the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956, and the Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958. The provision of goods or services which may be connected to a weapons of mass destruction program is also regulated under the Weapons of Mass Destruction (Prevention of Proliferation) 1995.

We will continue to implement strictly the measures mandated by the Security Council until Iran fully complies with the provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737.