Iran—Q&A from the Press Briefing

June 28, 2021

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

The IAEA has not received a response from Iran regarding a possible extension of the temporary arrangement for the monitoring of its nuclear activities. Does this have any consequences for the potential resumption of negotiations in Vienna or are you ready to accept this new status quo while the comprehensive safeguards agreements remain in place?

We regret the fact that Iran has not confirmed to the IAEA that it intends to continue to implement the provisions of the temporary technical understanding between them.

Any disruption to the implementation of this arrangement would undermine the IAEA’s capacity to maintain the continuity of its knowledge of Iran’s nuclear activities.

We fully support the IAEA’s efforts to verify and monitor Iran’s compliance with its nuclear commitments. Iran must resume cooperation with the IAEA and immediately give it full access once again.