Reply Given by Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to a Question in the Senate on Iran (Excerpts)

October 17, 2013

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Since the election of President Rouhani in Iran, there's been an undeniable change of tone. We're waiting for this change of tone to be translated into a change of substance. Yesterday and the day before, some interesting meetings were held in Geneva. The underlying nuclear issues were discussed; everything was debated. There will be another meeting on 7 and 8 November. It's too early to draw any conclusions from this, especially because what we've seen from Iran for the past few years - the Supreme Leader having remained the same - leads us to be, as I'd put it, cautiously open. (...)

France is a peaceful power, but at the same time France is a power with long experience that doesn't mistake appearances for reality.

Believe me, in the dialogue initiated between the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany [P5+1] and Iran, France will play its full role. On this point, let me remind you that the French President is the first leader of a major nation - as far as the Western partners are concerned - to have met President Rouhani. I myself have had various contacts with the Foreign Minister. I can confirm to you that, on this point, the French government will defend the interests of France, the international community and peace.