Construction of the National Research Center for Stable Isotopes Separation-Applications Development

August 24, 2019

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Dr. A.Salehi, President's deputy and AEOI head on Aug/13, in a ceremony held in Fordo site, with the presence of top organization authorities, inaugurated the initial construction step for the stable isotopes separation-applications development. In the follow up presentation he made the following points.

Stable isotopes have numerous beneficial applications and diverse procedures. Putting aside the centrifuge method, there are other procedures such as, chemical exchange, refrigerating and membrane distillation, as well as heat penetration which we plan to deploy in such facillities.

The complex has gone through various lab stages, and must now be further developed. The entire project premises is 5000 square meters including 8 workshops and 8 lab facilities, which is unique in Western Asia.

The Fordo site is one of the most valuable facilities among the AEOI complexes. During the last 4 years, considering the 5000 area of this center, around 16000 square meters has been added to this site's buildings of which national center of material should be mentioned. This center which was established 2 years ago, offers services not limited to the nuclear area, but helps the country's general industry network.

Besides the National Material center, the National Vacuum center must be mentioned that was inaugurated in early April which still awaits completion. A comparison of Fordo conditions 3 to 4 years ago and now shows how far the site has advanced. The number of the scientific expert personnel of the site have also been increased noticeably.

We have 1044 centrifuges machine which are in the vacuum position. Two cascades of this number are in rotation, without enrichment processing, but it could easily be operational.

We have cooperation with other countries such as E-U members and Russia, within the JCPOA framework, with respect to Fordo activities which is going well.

At present, the outstanding AEOI projects are the two Bushehr power plants, no 1 and 2, which based on agreement with Russia, the concrete casting will probably be performed in October. The nuclear industry with 15000 personnel has a healthy growth and has not been stopped at any juncture. The pace of trend all depends on the orders issued by relevant senior authorities which will be accordingly implemented.