Statement by H.E. Ambassador Kazem Gharib Abadi Resident Representative to the IAEA before the IAEA Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee on Agenda Item Two: Technical Cooperation: The Agency's proposed Programme for 2021

November 16, 2020

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Madam Chairperson,

Distinguished Colleagues,

Since this is the first time I am taking the floor under your Chairwomanship, let me congratulate you on your election and assure you of the cooperation of my delegation in discharge of your mandate. My appreciation also goes to the distinguished Ambassador of Sweden for all her efforts during the past year in leading the work of the Board of Governors.

Allow me also, at the beginning, to thank DDG Mr. Dazhu Yang and his team for their efforts in preparing the documentations for this meeting including the Agency’s Proposed Technical Cooperation Program for 2021, as contained in documents GOV/2020/44.

My delegation associates itself with the statement delivered by the distinguished Ambassador of the Philippines on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. I would also like to raise a few points in my national capacity.

  1. The challenges and difficulties caused by the spread of Covid-19 should not be underestimated. In this environment, the Secretariat’s efforts to ensure effective implementation of Technical Cooperation Programmes (TCPs) are highly valued, which require the utmost solidarity and cooperation of all at the global level.
  2. Taking note of the fact that the TC programme for 2021 onwards reflects the evolving priorities of Member States, which the largest field of activity cluster is ‘Food and Agriculture’ (25.2% of the core budget), followed by ‘Health and Nutrition’ (24.6%), and ‘Safety and Security (21.8%), it is of paramount importance to ensure that such a challenging situation is not adversely impacting the effective implementation of the TCPs, and even more important to ensure that, among other things, these programs receive sufficient, assured and predictable resources.
  3. Furthermore, as the proposed program for 2021 also emphasizes, my delegation takes note that the Secretariat has a responsibility to ensure that the financial resources contributed to the TC programme are utilized to meet the objectives of the programme efficiently and effectively in accordance with Member State needs and priorities. It is also emphasized that the original approval of a project includes a budget earmarked to achieve specific objectives, including through enhancing capacity building and provision of the required equipment and technologies, which entails a commitment by all stakeholders involved, both in the Secretariat and in Member States, to implement the project in accordance with the agreed work plan.
  4. Accordingly, my delegation strongly concurs with the proposed program for 2021 that, if a project cannot be adequately implemented within the original time frame, it is the responsibility of the Secretariat, in consultation with the Member States, to maintain, renew or reallocate the financial resources.

I thank you Madam Chairperson.