Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Mr. Chair,
With regard to the Report of Director General on NPT Safeguard Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran, contained in document GOV/2022/26, I would like to briefly draw the attention of this august body to the following comments and observations. For further details, I refer you and the delegations to the Explanatory Note circulated on June 3, 2022 by our Mission.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a responsible member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), is committed to implement its obligations under its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA). In view of this, Iran has spared no effort to enable the Agency to smoothly carry out its verification activities based on the CSA in the Country. Iran’s full cooperation with the IAEA has enabled the Agency to continue to maintain its knowledge through a robust verification system that is unique in the Agency’s verification system.