Summary S.1881
Introduced in Senate (12/19/2013)
Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013 - Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) Iran must not be allowed to develop or maintain nuclear weapon capabilities; (2) Iran does not have an inherent right to enrichment and reprocessing capabilities under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; (3) the imposition of sanctions under this Act is triggered by Iran's violations of any interim or final agreement regarding its nuclear program; (4) if Israel takes military action in self-defense against Iran's nuclear weapons program the United States should provide Israel with diplomatic, military, and economic support; and (5) the United States should continue to impose sanctions on Iran and its terrorist proxies.
States that it is U.S. policy to seek to ensure that all countries reduce their purchases of crude oil, lease condensates, fuel oils, and other unfinished oils from Iran or of Iranian origin to a de minimis level within one year.
Amends the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 to authorize a country that purchased petroleum from Iran or of Iranian origin during the one-year period preceding enactment of this Act to continue to receive a sanction exception only if the country reduces its purchases of Iranian or Iranian origin petroleum: (1) to a de minimis level within one year; or (2) by at least 30% during the one-year period beginning on the date of enactment, if it also is expected to reduce such purchases to a de minimis level within two years, or the President determines that the country has reduced its purchases to a de minimus level.
Amends the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 to include the construction, engineering, and mining sectors of Iran within the scope of sanctions.
Designates as entities of proliferation concern entities that operate special economic zones, free economic zones, and entities in strategic sectors (in lieu of certain current entities).
Directs the President to block the property of: (1) entities in strategic sectors, and (2) entities that operate special economic zones or free economic zones.
Defines "strategic sector" as: (1) the energy, shipping, shipbuilding, and mining sectors of Iran; (2) the construction and engineering sectors of Iran with exceptions for schools and hospitals; and (3) any other sector the President determines to be of strategic importance to Iran.
Amends the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 to exclude from U.S. entry: (1) an individual who engages in sanction evasion activities for or on behalf of the government of Iran, (2) an individual acting on behalf of the government of Iran who is involved in corrupt activities of that government or the diversion of humanitarian goods, or (3) a senior official who was involved in the activities of an entity designated for sanctions in connection with Iran's proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or Iran's support for international terrorism.
Expands the list of designated senior officials of the government of Iran.
Directs the President to block the U.S. or U.S.- controlled property and property transfers of: (1) specified senior officials, and (2) family members who received such property from a listed official.
Directs the President to prohibit the opening, and prohibit or impose strict conditions on the maintaining in the United States, of a correspondent account or a payable-through account by a foreign financial institution that knowingly conducted or facilitated a significant currency transaction (or did so through another person) with or on behalf of the Central Bank of Iran or another Iranian sanctioned financial institution, or with a person that is involved in the strategic sectors or economic zones of Iran.
Authorizes the President to impose sanctions pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act against any other person that knowingly conducts or facilitates such a currency transaction.
Excludes from such sanctions any transactions for: (1) the sale of agricultural commodities, food, medicine or medical devices to Iran; or (2) the provision of humanitarian assistance to the people of Iran.
Expresses the sense of Congress that, if sanctions are imposed pursuant to this Act and Iran continues to pursue an illicit nuclear weapons program, Congress should pursue additional sanctions against Iran.
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the President has been engaged in diplomatic efforts to ensure that sanctions are imposed multilaterally to restrict Iran's access to the global financial system; (2) the European Union (EU) is to be commended for strengthening the multilateral sanctions regime against Iran; (3) the President and the EU must continue to address any judicial, administrative, or other decisions in their respective jurisdictions that might weaken the sanctions regime; and (4) restrictions on Iran's access to global specialized financial messaging services should be maintained.
Amends the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 to include goods, services, and technologies that will be sold or transferred to a strategic sector of Iran in the list of goods, services, or technologies diverted to Iranian end-users or Iranian intermediaries.
Authorizes the President to: (1) impose restrictions on U.S. foreign assistance or measures authorized under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act with respect to a country designated as a Destination of Diversion Concern if the President determines that such restrictions would prevent the diversion of goods, services, and technologies to Iranian end-users or Iranian intermediaries; or (2) prohibit the issuance of an export license to such a country for certain defense articles or services.
Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the President's FY2015 budget should prioritize resources for the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Department of State dedicated to the enforcement of sanctions against Iran, and (2) the appropriate Senate and House of Representatives committees should prioritize such resources during consideration of authorization and appropriations legislation in future fiscal years.
Authorizes the President to suspend the application of sanctions under this Act for a 180-day period if the President certifies to Congress every 30 days during such period that: (1) Iran is complying with and verifiably implementing the Joint Plan of Action, (2) Iran is engaged in good faith negotiations toward a final agreement to terminate its non-civilian use nuclear activities, (3) the United States is working toward a final agreement to dismantle Iran's illicit nuclear infrastructure and permit verification and inspections of suspect facilities, (4) any sanctions relief is reversible and proportionate to Iranian measures to terminate its illicit nuclear program and related weaponization activities, (5) Iran has not directly or through a proxy carried out an act of terrorism against the United States or U.S. persons or property, (6) Iran has not conducted certain ballistic missile tests, and (7) suspension of sanctions is vital to U.S. national security interests.
Authorizes and sets forth the conditions with regard to such suspension of sanctions for: (1) renewal of sanction suspensions, (2) termination of sanction suspensions, and (3) presidential waiver of sanctions reinstatement.
Authorizes the President, unless a joint resolution of disapproval is enacted, to suspend the application of sanctions imposed under this Act for a one-year period if the President certifies to Congress that the United States and its allies have reached a final and verifiable agreement with Iran that will: (1) dismantle Iran's illicit nuclear infrastructure, (2) bring Iran into compliance with all United Nations (U.N.) Security Council resolutions related to Iran's nuclear program and resolve all issues of concern with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), (3) permit continuous on-site inspection and monitoring of all suspect facilities in Iran, (4) require Iran's full compliance with the Agreement between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and (5) require Iran's implementation of measures that include IAEA verification of Iran's centrifuge manufacturing facilities and uranium mines and mills.
Authorizes and sets forth the conditions for renewal of such sanction suspensions.
Authorizes the President to make an exception from the imposition of sanctions for reconstruction assistance or economic development for Afghanistan if in the U.S. national interest and if notice is provided to Congress.
States that nothing in this Act: (1) authorizes or requires the President to impose sanctions relating to the importation of goods, (2) shall apply to authorized U.S. intelligence activities, (3) shall be construed to apply to certain natural gas projects, or (4) shall be construed as a declaration of war or an authorization of the use of force against Iran.
Eliminates specific refugee set-asides for nationals of the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania who are current, active members of the Ukrainian Catholic Church or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Extends the period of eligibility for refugee status determinations for certain aliens from the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Extends the period of eligibility for status adjustment from a parolee who was denied refugee status to a lawfully admitted permanent resident for certain aliens from the former Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia.