Letter from Congressman Doug Lamborn to Treasury Secretary Lew Regarding Enforcing Sanctions Against Government Contractors

May 15, 2014

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear
  • Missile

The Honorable Jack Lew

Secretary of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20220


Dear Secretary Lew,

I am gravely concerned that our sanctions regime aimed at Iran's nuclear weapons, ballistic missile and terrorism activities are being significantly weakened and I urge you to take strong and immediate action. Recent press reports indicate that hundreds of companies participated in the Iran Oil Expo in apparent preparation for doing business with Iran even though strict sanctions remain in place. In particular, I am concerned that of the 600 or more companies who participated, at least 20 have a U.S. presence. Five of the companies – Siemens, Total, Leoni, Nexans, and Nikkiso – reportedly have contracts with the U.S. Government valued in the billions.

Mr. Secretary, I remind you of President Obama's recent statements warning businesses about the perils of doing business with Iran before  a permanent nuclear deal is struck. President Obama said the U.S. would come down on such businesses "like a ton of bricks." I heartily agree that businesses should think twice before developing business in Iran. In particular, I believe that we must take strong steps to make it clear that companies who are doing business with the U.S. government put those contracts at risk if they develop business in Iran.

I urge you to take appropriate steps to make it clear that doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran will disqualify companies from future business with the U.S. government. I also ask that you consider cancelling contracts, where possible, with any government contractor that does do business with Iran. Please advise me if your administration needs additional authority or Congressional support to do this.

I am committed to working with you to ensure that our sanctions remain an effective means of discouraging Iran's efforts in nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and terrorism.



Doug Lamborn

Member of Congress