Pelosi Statement on Administration Decision to Extend Sanction Waivers for Iran

January 13, 2018

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement after the Trump Administration announced that current waivers for United States sanctions against Iran would be extended, thereby keeping America in compliance with its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement: 

“While the Administration’s extension of sanctions waivers is a responsible and welcomed decision, President Trump’s new demands for a modified agreement are profoundly concerning.  The President’s demands are a non-starter for the Iranian regime and many of our P5+1 allies that risks giving Iran a free pass to exit the agreement and return to the path toward a nuclear weapon.  These new stipulations are also a gift to the radical hardliners leading the crackdown on courageous Iranians demanding their rights across their country today.

“On a bipartisan basis, scientists, generals, diplomats and national security experts agree that the best way to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and to support human rights in Iran is to stay in the JCPOA.  The JCPOA is premised on proof, not trust, and contains extremely stringent inspection and verification standards that have shown that Iran has not violated its end of the agreement.  Gambling with this agreement makes America, the region and the world less safe.

“If the President wants to address his perceived concerns about the agreement, his Administration should work with European counterparts and engage in constructive discussions on those matters.  Attempts to unilaterally alter this historic, multilateral agreement will destroy America’s leverage, credibility and ability to hold Iran accountable for its dangerous, destabilizing activities in the region and its many human rights violations against its citizens.  America must and will remain vigilant against these and other deeply concerning actions of the regime.”