Joint Statement of Intent Concerning the Arak Heavy Water Reactor Research Reactor Modernization Project under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

October 18, 2015

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

The People’s Republic of China, represented by the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA), the United States of America, represented by the Department of Energy (DOE), and the Islamic Republic of Iran, represented by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), met in Vienna on September 14, 2015 to discuss the future steps of the modernization of the Arak reactor as contemplated in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of July 14, 2015 (JCPOA) and United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231.

Recognizing the importance of nonproliferation, nuclear security, and nuclear safety and the imperative of international cooperation in achieving these objectives, CAEA, DOE, and AEOI recalled that, in accordance with Annex I to the JCPOA, Iran is to take the leadership role as the owner of and project manager for the Arak modernization project (the Project), with support from the other JCPOA participants.

CAEA, DOE, and AEOI further recalled that China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States, together with the High Representative of the European Union for Common Foreign and Security Policy (together, the E3/EU+3), committed to establish before Implementation Day a Working Group to assume their respective roles in the Project with the aim of facilitating the Project, consistent with their national laws.

CAEA and DOE affirmed their readiness to convene and co-chair the E3/EU+3 Working Group in regard to the Project under the JCPOA. Other countries with relevant nuclear expertise could be invited to join the Working Group by consensus decision of the Working Group members and Iran.

CAEA, as co-chair of the Working Group, intends to be the primary liaison on behalf of the Working Group for communications and coordination with AEOI in order to implement the Project.

CAEA, DOE, and AEOI intend to work together to conclude expeditiously the official document, as contemplated in the JCPOA, that will, consistent with their national laws, establish the responsibilities and functioning of the Working Group and of the CAEA-AEOI liaison channel, with the aim of expediting the completion of the Project in a timely fashion.