Responding to Two Years of Russia’s Full-Scale War On Ukraine and Navalny’s Death

February 23, 2024

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Countering Russia-Iran Military Cooperation and Arms Proliferation

The Department remains focused on highlighting and disrupting the ongoing military cooperation between Iran and Russia to further Russia’s war efforts against Ukraine. In December 2022 and October 2023, we designated numerous Russian and Iranian entities for their involvement in the proliferation of arms including transfers of UAVs from Iran for Russia’s use against Ukraine, conventional arms and related materiel from Iran to Russia, and major weapons systems from Russia to Iran, including the Yak-130 combat aircraft.

Today, we continue these efforts by designating the Iranian MINISTRY OF DEFENSE AND ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS (MODAFL) for the first time under a Russia-related sanctions authority, as well as two shipping companies that have previously been involved in arms related transfers between Iran and Russia. At least as of 2022, ROSOBORONEKSPORT OAO had worked through MODAFL to facilitate Iranian munitions transfers to Russia. Additionally, MODAFL worked with other Iranian military entities to facilitate the transfer of armed UAVs to Russia beginning in 2022. This action aligns with the Department of the Treasury’s designations today of a network of entities and individuals that has supported efforts by the Government of the Russian Federation and MODAFL to establish a facility in Russia to supply the Russian military with one-way attack UAVs, such as the Shahed-136 UAVs, and the Russian version, the Geran-2, for use in Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Pursuant to section 1(a)(vi)(B), the following entity is being designated for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of ROSOBORONEKSPORT OAO, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to the Order:

  • MINISTRY OF DEFENSE AND ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS (MODAFL) is the Iranian Ministry of Defense and has been involved in transfers of major weapons systems between Russia and Iran. MODAFL was previously designated pursuant to E.O. 13382, E.O. 13224, and E.O. 13949.

Pursuant to section 1(a)(i), the following entity is being designated for operating or having operated in the marine sector of the Russian Federation economy:

  • DALIR LTD is a Russian shipping company based in Astrakhan, Russia on the Caspian Sea. Additionally, DALIR LTD previously transported military-related cargo for delivery to the Iranian military on behalf of ROSOBORONEKSPORT OAO, Russia’s sole state-controlled intermediary agency for exporting and importing the entire range of military, defense, and dual-use products, technologies, and services. ROSOBORONEKSPORT OAO is designated pursuant to E.O. 14024, E.O. 13949, E.O. 13582 and E.O. 13662.
    • Pursuant to the Order, the following vessels are being identified as property in which DALIR LTD has an interest: ALIREZA 1 and BALTIYSKIY-111. ALIREZA 1 and BALTIYSKIY-111 are general cargo ships.
  • LADOGA SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LADOGA LTD) is a Russian shipping company based in Astrakhan, Russia on the Caspian Sea. Additionally, LADOGA LTD vessels previously made port calls in Russian-occupied Crimea and transported military-related cargo for delivery to the Iranian military on behalf of ROSOBORONEKSPORT OAO.
    • Pursuant to the Order, SKIF-V is being identified as property in which LADOGA LTD has an interest. SKIF-V is a general cargo ship.
