Counter Terrorism Designations; Iran Designations

May 15, 2018

Weapon Program: 

  • Military

Specially Designated Nationals List Update 

The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

KAREEM, Aras Habib (a.k.a. KAREEM, Aras Habib Mohamed; a.k.a. KARIM, Aras Habib; a.k.a. "HABIB, Aras"), Iraq; DOB 06 Aug 1967; POB Iraq; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT] [IRGC] [IFSR] (Linked To: ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS (IRGC)-QODS FORCE).

QASIR, Muhammad (a.k.a. KASSIR, Mohammed Jaafar; a.k.a. QASIR, Muhammad Jafar; a.k.a. "EYNAKI"; a.k.a. "FADI"; a.k.a. "GHOLI, Hossein"; a.k.a. "MAJID"; a.k.a. "SALAH, Shaykh"), Syria; DOB 12 Feb 1967; POB Dayr Qanun Al-Nahr, Lebanon; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions Pursuant to the Hizballah Financial Sanctions Regulations; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT] (Linked To: HIZBALLAH).

SEIF, Valiollah, Iran; DOB 1952; POB Nahavand, Hamadan Province, Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS (IRGC)-QODS FORCE).

TARZALI, Ali, Iran; DOB 10 Oct 1964; POB Tehran, Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Gender Male; Passport B23527205 (Iran); National ID No. 005-156675-3 (Iran); Birth Certificate Number 2233 (Iran) (individual) [SDGT] [IFSR] (Linked To: ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS (IRGC)-QODS FORCE).

The following entity has been added to OFAC's SDN List:

AL-BILAD ISLAMIC BANK FOR INVESTMENT AND FINANCE P.S.C. (a.k.a. AL BILAD ISLAMIC BANK), 37 Building El-Karadeh 909 Street 1 Near Al Hurea Square, Baghdad, Iraq; Al Masbah Branch, Baghdad Al Masbah Intersection, 929 Street 17 Bldg. 40, Previously the German Embassy, Baghdad, Iraq; Erbil Branch, Erbil Province, 60 Bldg 354/132, 45 Street, Erbil, Iraq; Al Mawarid Branch, Baghdad - Street 62 Neighboring the Department of Electricity, Baghdad, Iraq; Al Nasiryah Branch, Zi Kar Province El Saray, Bldg. 2/239 Janat Al Janoub Hotel Building, Nasiryah, Iraq; Al Basra Branch Al Basra, Manawy Pasha Corniche Street, Basra, Iraq; Al Sadr Branch, Jameela District - 8-22-512, Sadr City, Iraq; Al Jaderya Branch Baghdad, Al Jaderya - Versus Baghdad University, 906 Street 28 - Dar 3, Baghdad, Iraq; Karbala Branch Karbala, Al Dareeba Intersection, Karbala, Iraq; Al Najaf Branch, Al Najaf Al Ashraf, Al Amir District - Al Koufa Street, Najaf, Iraq; Zakho Branch Dahook, Zakho - Ibrahim Al Khaleel Street, Baydar Boulevard, Zakho, Iraq; Al Mansour Branch Baghdad, Al Mansour-12-G 605-M-Bldg, Baghdad, Iraq; Babel Branch Babel, Kalaj - Al Honood Branch, Babel, Iraq; Beirut Branch Lebabon, Beirut - Hamra Street, Broadway Center - Versus Costa Caf, Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon; Website; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions [SDGT] [IRGC] [IFSR].