Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of Executive Order 13902

Petroleum and Petrochemical Sectors of the Iranian Economy
October 11, 2024

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Section l(a)(i) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13902 of January 10, 2020 ("Imposing Sanctions With Respect to Additional Sectors of Iran") imposes economic sanctions on any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to operate in such sectors of the Iranian economy as may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State.

To further address the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States described in E.O. 12957 of March 15, 1995 ("Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to the Development of Iranian Petroleum Resources") and E.O. 13902, and in consultation with the Department of State, I hereby determine that section l(a)(i) of E.O. 13902 shall apply to the petroleum and petrochemical sectors of the Iranian economy. Any person determined to operate in these sectors shall be subject to sanctions pursuant to section l(a)(i).

This determination shall take effect on October 11, 2024.

Janet Yellen
U.S. Department of the Treasury