Weapon Program:
- Missile
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated 11 entities and individuals involved in procurement on behalf of Iran’s ballistic missile program. OFAC sanctioned Mabrooka Trading Co LLC (Mabrooka Trading) – based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – and its China- and UAE-based network that have been involved in procuring goods for Iran’s ballistic missile program. This network obfuscated the end user of sensitive goods for missile proliferation by using front companies in third countries to deceive foreign suppliers. Also designated today are five Iranian individuals who have worked to procure ballistic missile components for Iran. This action is consistent with the U.S. government’s commitment to continue targeting those who assist in Iran’s efforts to procure items for its ballistic missile program.
“Iran’s ballistic missile program poses a significant threat to regional and global security, and it will continue to be subject to international sanctions,” said Adam J. Szubin, acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “We have consistently made clear that the United States will vigorously press sanctions against Iranian activities outside of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – including those related to Iran’s support for terrorism, regional destabilization, human rights abuses, and ballistic missile program.”
Hossein Pournaghshband and his company, Mabrooka Trading, are being designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13382 for having provided, or attempting to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support to Navid Composite Material Company (Navid Composite), an entity sanctioned in connection with Iran’s ballistic missile program. Navid Composite was designated in December 2013 pursuant to E.O. 13382 as an Iran-based subsidiary of U.S.- and UN-designated Sanam Industrial Group, an entity sanctioned for its involvement in Iran's ballistic missile program. At the time of its designation, Navid Composite was contracting with Asia-based entities to procure a carbon fiber production line in order to produce carbon fiber probably suitable for use in ballistic missile components. Since at least early 2015, Pournaghshband used his company, Mabrooka Trading, to procure materials and other equipment for Navid Composite’s carbon fiber production plan. Pournaghshband is also being designated today pursuant to E.O. 13382 for having provided, or attempting to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support to Mabrooka Trading.
Chen Mingfu is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13382 for having provided, or attempting to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support to Navid Composite and Mabrooka Trading. Anhui Land Group Co., Limited is also being designated pursuant to E.O. 13382 because it is owned or controlled by Mingfu and for having provided, or attempting to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support to Mabrooka Trading and Pournaghshband. Mingfu brokered deals in support of Mabrooka Trading and Pournaghshband’s efforts to procure materials and equipment for Navid Composite’s carbon fiber production line. Mingfu, using Hong Kong based-Anhui Land Group Co., Limited, provided logistical support to Mabrooka Trading and Navid Composite.
Candid General Trading is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13382 for having provided, or attempting to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support to Mabrooka Trading and Pournaghshband. Rahim Reza Farghadani, the Managing Director of Candid General Trading, is also being designated pursuant to E.O. 13382 for acting for or on behalf of Candid General Trading. Candid General Trading has conducted financial transactions for Mabrooka Trading and Pournaghshband for goods intended for Navid Composite.
Sayyed Javad Musavi is being designated today pursuant to E.O. 13382 because he provided or attempted to provide financial, material, technological, or other support for, or goods or services in support of, the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG). SHIG was identified in the Annex to E.O. 13382 in June 2005 as a subsidiary of Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO). AIO, which is subordinate to Iran’s Ministry of Defense for Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), manages and coordinates Iran’s ballistic missile program. Musavi is the SHIG commercial director and has worked directly with North Korean officials in Iran from UN- and U.S.-designated Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation (KOMID). SHIG also coordinates KOMID shipments to Iran. The shipments have included valves, electronics, and measuring equipment suitable for use in ground testing of liquid propellant ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles. Within the past several years, Iranian missile technicians from SHIG traveled to North Korea to work on an 80-ton rocket booster being developed by the North Korean government.
Seyed Mirahmad Nooshin, Sayyed Medhi Farahi, and Seyed Mohammad Hashemi are also being designated today. Nooshin, the Director of SHIG, is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13382 for acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of SHIG, and because he provided, or attempted to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support for, or goods or services in support of, SHIG. Farahi, the current Deputy of MODAFL, and Hashemi, an official in MODAFL, are also being designated pursuant to E.O. 13382 for acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of MODAFL, and because they provided, or attempted to provide, financial, material, technological, or other support for, or goods or services in support of, MODAFL. Farahi and Nooshin have been critical to the development of the 80-ton rocket booster, and both traveled to Pyongyang during contract negotiations.
Mehrdada Akhlaghi Ketabachi is being designated today for acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of AIO. Ketabachi is currently the Director of AIO. He was previously designated in 2008 pursuant to E.O. 13382 for acting or purporting to act for or on behalf of Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group, which was identified in the Annex to E.O. 13382 in June 2005 and is involved in Iran’s missile program.
The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:
CHEN, Mingfu; DOB 30 Apr 1980; POB Anhui, China; citizen China; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport G22168109 expires 26 Apr 2017; Identification Number 341181198004300019 (China) (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: NAVID COMPOSITE MATERIAL COMPANY).
FARAHI, Sayyad Medhi (a.k.a. FARAJZADEH, Seyyed Hadi), Iran; DOB 30 Sep 1960; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport G9321488 (Iran) expires 10 Oct 2016 (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: MINISTRY OF DEFENSE FOR ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS).
FARGHADANI, Rahimreza (a.k.a. FARGHADANI, Rahim Reza); DOB 16 Aug 1960; alt. DOB 17 Aug 1960; citizen Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport 5671711 (Iran) (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR].
HASHEMI, Seyed Mohammad (a.k.a. HASHEMI, Sayyed Mohammad; a.k.a. HASHEMI, Seyyed Mohammad), Iran; DOB 16 May 1965; citizen Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: MINISTRY OF DEFENSE FOR ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS).
MUSAVI, Sayyed Javad, Iran; DOB 23 Aug 1972; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: SHAHID HEMMAT INDUSTRIAL GROUP).
NOOSHIN, Seyed Mirahmad, Iran; DOB 11 Jan 1966; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport G9311208 (Iran) (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: SHAHID HEMMAT INDUSTRIAL GROUP).
POURNAGHSHBAND, Hossein (a.k.a. POUR NAGHSH BAND, Hussain Reza; a.k.a. POUR NAGHSHBAND, Hossein; a.k.a. POUR NAGHSHBAND, Hossein Reza); DOB 23 Oct 1965; nationality Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport E1910843 (Iran) (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: NAVID COMPOSITE MATERIAL COMPANY).
The following entities have been added to OFAC's SDN List:
ANHUI LAND GROUP CO., LIMITED, Shop T18, 3/F, Cathay Pacific 88 Malls, No. 125, Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Registration ID 1774300 (Hong Kong) [NPWMD] [IFSR].
CANDID GENERAL TRADING LLC (a.k.a. CANDID TRADING LLC), 3rd Floor, Office No. 306, Al Dana Centre, Al Maktoum Street Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; P.O. Box 41967, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions [NPWMD] [IFSR].
MABROOKA TRADING CO L.L.C. (a.k.a. MABROOKA TRADING COMPANY), 3rd Floor, Office No. 306, Al Dana Centre, Al Maktoum Street, Next to Metropolitan Palace Hotel, Al Riqqa, Al Muraqqabat, Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; P.O. Box 33634, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Registration ID 500871 [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked To: NAVID COMPOSITE MATERIAL COMPANY).
The following changes have been made to OFAC's SDN List:
KETABACHI, Mehrdada Akhlaghi (a.k.a. KETABCHI, Merhdada Akhlaghi), c/o SBIG, Tehran, Iran; DOB 10 Sep 1958; nationality Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport A0030940 (Iran) (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR]. -to- KETABACHI, Mehrdada Akhlaghi (a.k.a. KETABCHI, Merhdada Akhlaghi), c/o AIO, Langare Street, Nobonyad Square, Tehran, Iran; c/o SBIG, Tehran, Iran; DOB 10 Sep 1958; nationality Iran; Additional Sanctions Information - Subject to Secondary Sanctions; Passport A0030940 (Iran) (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR].