Q Mr. President, thank you. The U.S. effort to extend the Iran arms embargo at the U.N. Security Council —
Q — fell apart yesterday. When will you trigger a snapback of sanctions on Iran?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we knew what the vote was going to be but we’ll be doing a snapback. You’ll be watching it next week.
Q Will it be soon?
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, you’ll be watching it next week.
Q And if I could follow up: President Putin wants to hold a video summit —
Q — on this subject.
THE PRESIDENT: He has asked.
Q Are you wanting to do that? Will you participate?
THE PRESIDENT: Probably not. No, I think we want to wait until after the election. Look, Iran wants me to lose so badly, because if they do — you know, Iran is a whole different ballgame right now. They haven’t been sponsoring terror because they don’t have very much money to sponsor terror, and they know we just captured four Iranian ships, as you know, and we brought them into Houston. They were going to Venezuela; they’re not supposed to be doing that. Iran would love to have me defeated.