Statement by the European Union to the IAEA General Conference (Excerpts)

September 19, 2006

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Related Country: 

  • Iran

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24. The EU commends the Director General and the Secretariat for their continuing efforts to seek clarifications from Iran and to verify its nuclear programme. EU takes a serious view of the Director General's assessment that, after nearly four years of intense inspections, the Agency remains unable to make further progress in its efforts to verify the correctness and completeness of Iran's declarations with a view to confirming the peaceful nature of the nuclear programme.

25. The EU fully supports UN Security Council Resolution 1696, which, inter alia, made it mandatory for Iran to suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development. Suspension is no longer a voluntary confidence-building measure, but an international obligation. The UN Security Council also called upon Iran to act in accordance with the Additional Protocol and to implement without delay all transparency measures as the IAEA may request in support of its ongoing investigations.

26. The EU deeply regrets that, as demonstrated by the Director General's report, Iran has not fulfilled the obligations established by the UN Security Council Resolution, nor taken the steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors. The EU reiterates its view that prompt and full Iranian compliance with the relevant international obligations and other requirements would facilitate negotiations for a diplomatic solution. The EU recalls the intention of the Security Council expressed in Resolution 1696 to adopt appropriate measures under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, in case Iran had not complied with the resolution by 31 August, while noting that further decisions will be required should such additional measures be necessary.

27. The EU encourages once again Iran to engage positively with regard to the proposals made by six countries, with the support of the European Union's High Representative, for a long-term comprehensive arrangement. In this context, the EU welcomes the recent meetings between EU High Representative Javier Solana and Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani.

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