Summary of the Latest Round of Nuclear Talks Between Iran and the European Union

As Seen and Transcribed by Reuters
January 26, 2005

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Following is the full text of a summary of the latest round of talks between Iran and the European Union aimed at persuading Iran to give up uranium enrichment, a process that could produce fuel for atom bombs.

In the confidential document, seen and transcribed by Reuters, "EU3" refers to France, Britain and Germany, the countries negotiating with Iran on behalf of the EU.

"IAEA" refers to the U.N. nuclear watchdog, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and "NPT" is the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


EU3/EU recollected the discussions of the last meeting. The EU3/EU presented their views on general and practical measures needed to give objective guarantees that Iran's nuclear programme is exclusively for peaceful purposes, while addressing the needs for an Iranian nuclear power generation programme.

Cessation, dismantlement of the sensitive part of its nuclear programme, includes the fuel cycle. Light water power reactors, reactors with no significant capacity to produce plutonium, waste storage sites, uranium mines, or concentration plants, could be maintained by Iran.

In turn, Iran presented its views in a general way. On the basis of selective and biased quotes from the NPT, IAEA Statute and (NPT) Review Conference conclusion, it stressed that a solution should be sought in the framework of its existing legal rights and obligations in the framework of the (IAEA) Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol.

The Iranian position is obviously guided by the goal of maintaining the fuel cycle. Without being more specific, they only saw scope for some additional assurances, inter alia, increased verification and certain restrictions on the level and extent of the uranium enrichment programme.

EU3/EU made clear that the outlined approach was unacceptable and that Iran missed the point with this presentation. Iran has to recognise that the fuel cycle programme is the core of the problem and to be more precise in defining its proposal for objective guarantees. We committed ourselves to continuing the discussion further. We asked Iran to provide a more detailed proposal.

Iran tried to put the scope of suspension on the agenda -- conversion, pieces for 20 centrifuges -- and stressed the political difficulty to maintain the suspension if no progress was made. EU3/EU firmly rejected this question, stressed that suspension is vital for the process.


EU3/EU listened to two detailed presentations by Iran on its nuclear generation programme and its fuel cycle programme. The Iranian generation programme is based on economic calculations made in the framework of the Russia-Iran cooperation (on) Bushehr and fuel supply.

On the basis of economic and energy calculations, the Iranian strategy is to develop a 7,000 Megawatt programme. On the fuel cycle programme, no economic calculations have been made. Iran recognises explicitly that its fuel cycle programme cannot be justified on economic grounds.